Rule of Thirds or Golden Ratio Golden Spiral or Golden Rectangle "Rule of Thirds" or "Golden Ratio“ affects the placement of the main subjects in the photo. Your main subject should lie on one of the four lines or four intersections. Rule of Thirds or Golden Ratio "Golden Spiral" or "Golden Rectangle“ allows for a curved sweep round into a focal point covering most of the image. There should be something, leading the eye to the centre of the composition. It could be a line or several subjects. Golden Spiral or Golden Rectangle Composition The "Golden Triangles“ is more convenient for photos with diagonal lines. There are three triangles with corresponding shapes. Just roughly place three subjects with approximate equal sizes in these triangles and this rule would be kept. Golden Triangles Balance is a compositional technique in photography that juxtaposes images within a frame so that the objects are of equal visual weight. When different parts of a photo command your attention equally, perfect balance is achieved. ... Balancing elements in photography becomes important when you frame your shots. Balanced Composition