Lesson 1 The Web
World Wide Web or "the Web" is a system of Internet servers that support specially formatted documents.
A web page refers to a computer file, usually written in HTML or comparable markup language.
British computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee is the inventor of the Web.
Web Applications is a program, or group of programs, that is designed for the end user accessible through the internet using browsers.
Static Web Page - contains content that can not be altered or modified unless the programmer himself or the system administrator manually alters the source code. Dynamic Web Page - contains content that can be modified by the end user. There are also pages that initially do not exist until the web application user request for it.
Client Side Scripting - allow pages to respond to mouse and keyboard actions. This kind of change or interactivity happens only after the browser has downloaded the HTML file and other associated files. Client side scripts are inserted inside the HTML file and may be read by viewing the source code of the page.
JavaScript is inserted to the HTML file using the <script> and </script> tags. Used on the client side scripting.
Server Side Scripting - allow pages to decide what to display or to create content and HTML even before the requeted page is downloaded. It can create the content and HTML or parts of the file. After all the changes done, the server sends the final HTML file to the client for display on the browser. Unlike client side scripts, cannot be read later the page has been displayed on the browser.
ASP or Active Server Pages is inserted to the HTML file using the <℅℅> delimiters. Used in the server side scripting.
A database is a collection of records A database is a collection of records. Queries are commands used to retrieve and update records stored in the database. The computer or application such as a webapp that is used to manage the database is called a Database Management System (DBMS).
Each row is called a record and each record is composed of data fields.
The Figure 4 shows a table that may have been used to store the flight information on the flight status of different passenger planes. The FlightStatus is the table's name containing the flight status information saved inside a database file named flight.mdb. The .mdb file extension means that the file is a Microsoft Access Database. The table shows rows under the header. Each row is called a record and each record is composed of the following data fields:
FlightNum - flight number From - place of departure To - place of destination Time - expected time of departure Date - expected date of departure Estimated - estimated time of departure Actual - actual time of departure Actual Date - actual date of departure Status - status of the flight
The figure 6 illustrates the flow of information from the client, sever and the database. The client requests for a specific page. The server-side script in the HTML file sends a request to the database to retrieve records. The retrieved records as well as the additional HTML tags created by the server side script become part of the HTML file. This final HTML file will then be sent to the browser to be displayed.
Site Specifications Document and Storyboarding A Site Specifications Document and Storyboarding are important in the websites' development and maintenance. These will serve as a guide for the developers that are working on the site. These will also serve as a reference for the site administrator in maintaining the site.
Here is the format for the Site Specification: Title of the website: Proposed Domain Name: 1. Purpose of the site: The developer will describe the function of the web application. 2. Audience: The developer will state the target viewers or customers of the site. 3. List of Pages: The developer will list down the pages of the website as well as their function. 4. Theme and Lay-out: The developer will describe the appearance of the site. 5. Other Requirements: The developer will state the maintenance and scripting languages used. The Storyboard contains everything that was written in the Site Specifications but is in a diagram form.
Rubrics for Site Specifications Document and Storyboard (Dynamic Website) Criteria Site Specifications 25% The site specification documents should contain the detailed requirements on the following: Proposed Domain Name of the website Purpose of the site Audience or user considerations List of pages on the site with descriptions Theme and layout Additional requirements. The description of each requirement is detailed enough to allow the person or Web development team to follow without the need for further consultations.
Site Storyboard 25% The site storyboard clearly shows the structure of the website. It illustrates the relationship between all pages and their place in the structure using line to link them together. The following details are present in each page or component of the storyboard: Title of the page Filename of the page Purpose of the page Description of the content
Dynamic Content 40% Both the site specifications document and storyboard clearly show how dynamic the content is used in the site. All the following are present: Filename of the database file Names of tables Data fields that make up each table List of pages that utilize the records in the database
Quality of Work 10% The site specification is written clearly with indentions and bullets to help organize and present to the reader. The site storyboard is drawn without any visible erasures or stains. Lines are straight and boxes are properly laid out. Labels should be readable.