RMST/RSMT Bookshelf Slot RMST/RSMT entries Rectilinear spanning trees Rectilenear Steiner trees Zero and bounded skew trees Buffered Steiner trees Reference implementations Multiple algorithms Experimental studies qualifying the range of applicability of each algorithm Sept. 7, 2001 GSRC Annual Review
Rectilinear MSTs Algorithms: O(n^2) Prim Hwang (rectilinear Voronoi diagram) Guibas-Stolfi (divide-and-conquer) Scheffer (quad-tree based range querries) Sept. 7, 2001 GSRC Annual Review
Algorithm Comparison Sept. 7, 2001 GSRC Annual Review
Rectilinear Steiner Trees Algorithms: Batched 1-Steiner (Robins) Edge-based heuristic (BOI) GeoSteiner (exact branch-and-cut) Rajogapalan-Vazirani (primal-dual) O(n log(n)) implementation of Zelikovsky’s algo Sept. 7, 2001 GSRC Annual Review
Buffered Steiner Trees Algorithms Exact algorithms for buffering a given tree under buffer load constraints Greedy for non-inverting buffers DP for inverting buffers + sink polarities Simultaneous tree construction and buffering Bounded buffer-skew Sept. 7, 2001 GSRC Annual Review
Bookshelf Continuous slot updates Interoperability/consistency E.g., new O(n log(n)) RMST algo in ASPDAC01 “Self-updating” bookshelf? Interoperability/consistency Slot-to-slot algoritm reuse keeps increasing Standard I/O formats and/or programming interfaces Consistency accross slots? Sept. 7, 2001 GSRC Annual Review
Technology File Formats GRID_UNIT 1.0 WIRE_UNIT_CAP 0.177 WIRE_UNIT_RES 0.015 NUM_BUFFER_TYPES 1 BUFFER noninverting1 INPUT_CAP 37.5 DRIVING_CAP 500.0 OUTPUT_RES 0.05 INVERTING_TYPE +1 CARDINALITY 30 Sept. 7, 2001 GSRC Annual Review