Minds-On What does the word “euthanasia” mean? [NOTE: You will NOT write your essay on euthanasia!!!!! We just need to understand what this word means for today’s lesson only.] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8LiwVX9ZEk What do you think about this issue?
What are the conventions of a formal persuasive essay? To know the conventions of a persuasive essay. To understand how use these conventions in your own essays based on your topic. To be able to reflect how your essays will look conventional and written to a professional standard, and to start gathering evidence. Citation; Introduction; Point; Evidence/Examples; Explanation; Conclusion
To know the conventions of a persuasive essay. Pages 161 – 162 What is the purpose of a persuasive essay? How many sides of an issue does the writer present to the reader (the teacher)? How many paragraphs is a short essay usually? How many paragraphs will you be writing? What do you think another word for “grabber” is? Look at transitional words/phrases given in the “Body Paragraphs” section on page 161. Write down three other transitional words/phrases that a person can use as well. What types of evidence is good to use in your essay? In your own words, what is the conclusion of an essay? What does citation mean? What must be cited in an essay?
Then we will read pages 165-167 To know the conventions of a persuasive essay. To understand how use these conventions in your own essays based on your topic. Plagiarism - http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/education/tdsb-director-resigns-over-plagiarism-phd-dissertation-includes-unattributed-passages/article7167752/?page=all Now, let’s look at page 163. Then we will read pages 165-167 Find the point, evidence and explanation. Citation; Introduction; Point; Evidence/Examples; Explanation; Conclusion
Thesis: Cats are better pets than dogs. Two Points: They are cleaner than dogs. They do not make as much noise. http://pets.thenest.com/reasons-cats-make-better-pets-dogs-8562.html
It can be easily argued that cats are naturally cleaner than dogs It can be easily argued that cats are naturally cleaner than dogs. Being clean is in the cat’s nature. As illustrated by Liza Blau from Demand Media, “You can give a dog a million baths and spray him with doggy cologne, but his distinct ordure never seems to go away... But cats, both wild and domestic, spend up to one-third of their time self-grooming, according to Animal Planet” (http://pets.thenest.com/). As this evidence demonstrates, it is difficult for owners to clean their dogs because no matter what they do, the smell could still remain. It would be embarrassing for someone to invite friends and loved ones over to their home, if their home smells like a dog house. On the other hand, cats make the lives of their owners easier by not smelling. Healthy cats do not have an ordure, and it is in their nature to be hygienic. This cleanliness is especially apparent with indoor cats because cats do not need to be walked like dogs do, which further illustrates how much easier it is to take care of cats compared with dogs.
Cats makes great pets whether you are in a house, mansion or apartment because they do not make as much noise as dogs. Imagine the stress of having a noisy dog in a small apartment where neighbours begin to complain. For example, “Fido [a dog] is a hysteric who barks at pretty much everything -- the mailman, children ...a police siren, a harmless butterfly, other dogs...causing distress to both your family and the neighbors. Your cat will always respect your need for quiet to practice the violin, write the great American novel or meditate on world peace” (Blau). As one can see, cats are easier to take care of. Cats are great for people who want to keep their private lives private, and they do not need to tell the whole world that they have a pet cat. Some people say that dogs can be quiet, but it takes time and effort to train the dog properly to do that. In today’s society, people do not have time to train a canine friend. Cats make life care free and enjoyable.
Put up your hand if you are doing question_________ To be able to reflect how your essays will look conventional and written to a professional standard, and to start gathering evidence. Put up your hand if you are doing question_________ POINT – EVIDENCE – EXPLANATION I have articles for you. You’re going to have to share for the time being. The website addresses are on the article. Where can I obtain evidence/examples: The textbook article we read. The internet news articles I’ve obtained for you. From youtube videos of news reports. Citation; Introduction; Point; Evidence/Examples; Explanation; Conclusion
To be able to start planning your points and evidence for one of the essay topics. I want you to choose the article that best relates to your essay topic. Then I want you to see if you can gather evidence for your essays. You don’t have to use those articles if you can find better on your phones or other internet sources. Citation; Introduction; Point; Evidence/Examples; Explanation; Conclusion
How much progress did you make in this lesson? To know the conventions of a persuasive essay. To understand how use these conventions in your own essays based on your topic. To be able to reflect how your essays will look conventional and written to a professional standard, and to start gathering evidence. Citation; Introduction; Point; Evidence/Examples; Explanation; Conclusion