SURFING Surfing is a sport that is completely dependent on the environment yet surfers pay little attention to protect it.
SURFBOARDS While surfing is fun, it can also be very harmful to the environment. It is estimated that the carbon footprint of the average short surfboard is 400 pounds of carbon dioxide and the average of the long surfboard is 1000 pounds of carbon dioxide. To preserve the life of a surfboard it is put in a lot of toxic chemicals so the board doesn’t wear out quickly. These toxic chemicals are floating around the ocean every time we use a surfboard which isn’t good because it is toxic to the environment (animal habitat).
SHARK ATTACKS Sharks are attacking or killing 10 surfers each year on average. Humans annually kill 20 to 30 million sharks. Sharks are attacking more surfers because their habitats are getting disturbed by toxic chemicals from surfboards so therefore people are trying to kill sharks so they can surf safely in the ocean.
FACTS 250 tons of wetsuit scraps go to waste each year. 60% of coral reefs around the world are being threatened. 6 million bars of surf wax is being used each year. 400,00 new surfboards are made each year.
Environmentally friendly surfboards They are now environmentally friendly foam surfboard materials. Environmentally friendly surfboards are made from Australian Plantation Grown and Sustainably harvested Paulownia Timber. The centre stringers is made from recycled cedar. The surfboard is NOT put in a handful of toxic chemicals. I strongly believe next time you go out to buy a surfboard to buy an environmentally friendly surfboard. It is certain that these surfboards won’t destroy the environment. Do you want to be someone who is destroying the environment?
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I hope you are convinced that surfing could destroy the environment Thank you for watching I hope you are convinced that surfing could destroy the environment