Welcome to Brain Awareness Month 2018 Middle College High School AM Seminar Friday, March 16, 2018
Introduction: Learning Some Brain Facts Today’s Activity: In groups, students will read a section from the Answering Your Questions About The Brain pamphlet and share their information to the other groups Watch Video as introduction to activity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5axR0-_xaSw
Setting Up “Consultant” Groups Divide class into 4 groups of about 5-6 students. (Depending on the size of your class you will divide students into more groups and assign duplicate topics to different groups, if necessary.) Pass out booklets (Answering Your Questions About the Brain) to each student Assign topics to each group (see next slide) Students read the assigned pages, mark the text, and take notes (about 5-10 minutes), discuss the text and write down main ideas (5-10 minutes), and then share out to the rest of the class (5-10 minutes) what they have learned. Let’s learn to keep our brains active throughout life!
Topics from Q & A: Answering Your Questions About the Brain The Crown of Creation (page 1) How Do We Learn and Remember?(pages 8-9) What Does Technology Do to the Brain? (pages 9-10) How Can I Keep My Brain Young and Healthy? (pages 17-19)