Nursing (Primary and Registered Nursing) By: Paige Verschure
Why this? Interest in helping people Personal experience
History Florence Nightingale- Founder Crimean War (1854) 38 volunteers WW1 and WW2 Gained knowledge in other fields
Primary Role Caring for patients Needs may determine primary role
Job Responsibilities Administer medications Manage I.V.’s Observe and monitor patients Maintaining records Communicate with doctors
Patients/Clients? Varies on illness Emergency room(E.R.), Oncology, Neonatal, e.t.c
Teammembers Physicians Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA) Therapists Surgeons
Work Setting Hospitals Home health care Private physician offices Nursing care facilities Government
Certification Requirements Minimum two years of formal education and obtain a state license
Education Varies Associate's degree Some complete a Bachelors or Masters degree
State/National Exams? MCAT R.N. must take NCLEX-RN licensing exam
Growth 16% through 2014-2024 Outlook is excellent
Salary $65,000 on average
RSO Groups Pre P.A. Group Pre Med
State/National Groups? Great Lakes Chapter of GAPNA Michigan Council of Nurse Practitioners Michigan League for Nursing (MLN) Michigan Nurses Association National American Association of Critical Care Nurses American Academy of Nurses National Association of Licensed Practical Nurses E.t.c.
Extra Facts! May 6th is National Nurses Day The most visits to emergency rooms occur during warmer months of the year Linda Richards was first woman in U.S. to earn a Nursing diploma in 1873 Nepal has lowest nurses in world, only 5 nurses per 100,000 people
Resources History of Nursing. (n.d.). Retrieved October 11, 2017, from History of Nursing. (n.d.). Retrieved October 11, 2017, from List of Nursing Organizations. (n.d.). Retrieved October 11, 2017, from Nursing Duties, Responsibilities, and Career options. (n.d.). Retrieved October 08, 2017, from When Did Nursing Begin? (2009, June 01). Retrieved October 11, 2017, from
The End Any Questions?