Barnabas: About the Man Named Barnabas by the apostles (Acts 4:36) Son of encouragement, consolation, exhortation (cf. 11:23) Of the tribe of Levi (Acts 4:36) Perhaps what brought him to Jerusalem Of the country of Cyprus (Acts 4:36) First place Paul & Barnabas preached (Acts 13:4-5) Barnabas returned there with John Mark (Acts 15:39) A landowner (Acts 4:37) Apparently no wife or family (cf. 1 Cor. 9:5-6) Called an “apostle” (Acts 14:14) Along with Timothy & Silas (1 Thess. 2:6); Jesus’ brother, James (Gal. 1:19); Titus & brethren (2 Cor. 8:23); Epaphroditus (Phil. 2:25); Andronicus & Junia (Rm. 16:7)
Barnabas: Lessons for Us to Learn He was exceedingly generous (Acts 4:32-37) A benevolent act done freely & without coercion Reflected a proper attitude toward material wealth The gospel brings out the very best in men & women Roots up pride, selfishness, covetousness Fills the void with brotherly kindness, love & good will The spirit of generosity must be practiced & taught In families In the church In the eldership
Barnabas: Lessons for Us to Learn He was exceedingly generous (Acts 4:32-37) He was compassionately gracious (Acts 9:26-28) Saul, the persecutor, returned to Jerusalem three years after his conversion (cf. Gal. 1:18) Saul had a well-earned reputation (cf. Acts 7:58-8:3; 9:1-2) which caused the disciples to be afraid of him Saul needed a friend, a brother in Christ to trust him, plus someone who the disciples would trust Barnabas brought Saul to the apostles & defended him This helped disciples to no longer fear him This helped Saul to be encouraged & get on with his work This helped Barnabas in knowing he had done the right thing This helped create a bond between S&B for future mission work
Barnabas: Lessons for Us to Learn He was exceedingly generous (Acts 4:32-37) He was compassionately gracious (Acts 9:26-28) He was constantly encouraging (Acts 11:19-30) There were great number of new converts in Antioch New converts need encouragement – who send? Known to church at Jerusalem – he had innate ability He rejoiced at the growth of other Christians He was a good man, having a great influence on others He was reason for Paul’s close relationship with Antioch He was trustworthy
Barnabas: Lessons for Us to Learn He was exceedingly generous (Acts 4:32-37) He was compassionately gracious (Acts 9:26-28) He was constantly encouraging (Acts 11:19-30) He was willing to work in second place (12:25-15:35) Barnabas & Saul were set apart for 1st missionary journey Up to this point, Barnabas was more public & prominent Barnabas was an active, faithful Christian long before Saul Saul depended on influence of Barnabas to be accepted It was Barnabas sent to Antioch to exhort babes in Christ It was Barnabas who went to find Saul to bring him to Antioch
Barnabas: Lessons for Us to Learn He was exceedingly generous (Acts 4:32-37) He was compassionately gracious (Acts 9:26-28) He was constantly encouraging (Acts 11:19-30) He was willing to work in second place (12:25-15:35) Barnabas & Saul were set apart for 1st missionary journey Up to this point, Barnabas was more public & prominent Seems to be turning point in 13:9-13 Prior to 13:9 – “Barnabas and Saul” 13:9 – Saul called Paul; 13:10 – first words from Paul as Christian 13:13 – “Paul and his party” – Barnabas not specified People of Lystra called Paul, Hermes/Mercury – “chief speaker” Barnabas played a supportive role to Paul like John the Baptizer did to Jesus (John 1:19-37; 3:25-31)– both came 1st
Barnabas: Lessons for Us to Learn He was exceedingly generous (Acts 4:32-37) He was compassionately gracious (Acts 9:26-28) He was constantly encouraging (Acts 11:19-30) He was willing to work in second place (12:25-15:35) He was influenced by others to sin (Gal. 2:11-14) Barnabas was subject to temptation & peer pressure Like Peter, he sinned in excluding fellowship from the Gentiles (showing partiality) and was “carried away with their hypocrisy” (Gal. 2:13). This was right around the time that Paul & Barnabas split (cf. Galatians 2 & Acts 15). Paul still refers favorably in him in 1 Corinthians 9:6 As well as to Mark in Col. 4:10 & 2 Tim. 4:11