Programming Midterm Review CSCI2100B Data Structure
Background CUHK has a strong tradition in ACM ICPC Excellent Tutors 8th in the world in 2000 8th in the world in 2011 Many regional and world final appearances Excellent Tutors 6 weeks to set the questions Weeks for the preparation of the system 1 day to copy the hard disks Additional hours
Exam Statistics Number of Participants: 78 All participants solved at least 1 problem!!! One participant solved all 7 problems!!! Average number of solved problems: 2.15 Average time (penalty): 183 Total attempts per participant: 7.9
Exam Statistics Number of solved problems: 7 – 1 participant 5 – 1 participant (1 non-CSE major) 4 – 2 participants (1 non-CSE major) 3 – 13 participants (1 non-CSE major) 2 – 48 participants (6 non-CSE major) 1 – 13 participants (2 non-CSE major)
Exam Statistics Acceptance rate for each Problem: A – 77/134 (57.46%) D – 4/25 (16.00%) E – 16/48 (33.33%) F – 2/40 (5.00%) G – 1/2 (50.00%) This is interesting. According to this statistics, the order of problem should be: A B E D F C G
Prize Championship: 1st Runner-up: 2nd Runner-up Honorable Mention: CHAN, Pak Hay (1155029810) 1st Runner-up: LAM, Ka Ho (1155031192) 2nd Runner-up YU, Chun Lung (1155029407) Honorable Mention: PANG Yui Tik (1155030526) WAN, Ka Ki (1155030851)
Prize Best Female Coder: Honorable Mention: CHU, Wing Yin (1155030760) DERMAWAN, Teresa (1009637094)
Prize Best Non-CSE Coder: Honorable Mention: Most Effective Coder: LAM, Ka Ho (1155031192) Honorable Mention: PANG, Yui Tik (1155030526) Most Effective Coder:
Miscellaneous Extra credit problem Looking for summer interns Internet/Web development Mobile development
Problem Review
A – String Revision
B – Intersection of Two Arrays Best solution: O(m+n) m – the length of array A n – the length of array B
C – Stone Piles Brute force can satisfy the time limit
D – Prime Palindromes USACO 1.5.2 USACO Training Program curriculum is one of the best paths to learn data structures and algorithms.
E – Train Re-arrangement II Adapted from homework Algorithm is the same, only need to change stack functions to queue functions
F – Fruit Merge II Adapted from homework Use two queues, one for original fruit piles, the other for newly combined fruit piles Every time, choose two smallest numbers from the two queues
G – Counting Factor Trees Dynamic Programming