As seen on the Virginia Tech Leaf Identification Website Tree Identification As seen on the Virginia Tech Leaf Identification Website Follow the directions on how to identify your specific leaf or twig on the next page. Click here to proceed
Click on the blue buttons to make your choice. If you make a mistake, click on the Go Back button. DO NOT CLICK ON ANY AREA OUTSIDE OF THE BLUE BOX OR IT WILL TAKE YOU TO THE WRONG PLACE!!! I have a broad leaf
Sugar Maple Return to main choices
Red Maple Return to main choices
White Ash Return to main choices
American Beech Return to main choices
Hornbeam (Musclewood) Return to main choices
Bitternut Hickory Return to main choices
Sweet Cherry Sweet Cherry Return to main choices
Slippery Elm Return to main choices
Tulip Poplar (Yellow Poplar) Return to main choices
Red Oak Return to main choices
White Oak Return to main choices
There are no trees that match this description Go back
Leaves are opposite each other on the branch. Leaves are alternate. Leaves are broadleaf Go Back Leaves are opposite each other on the branch. Leaves are alternate. They alternate left and right.
Leaves are broadleaf Leaves are opposite Go Back Leaves are simple Leaves are compound
Leaves are broadleaf Leaves are opposite Leaves are simple Go Back Leaves are lobed Leaves are not lobed
Leaves are broadleaf Leaves are opposite Leaves are simple Leaves are lobed Go Back Leaves are smooth Leaves are serrated
Leaves are broadleaf Leaves are opposite Leaves are compound Go Back Leaves are pinnate Leaves are palmate
Leaves are broadleaf Leaves are alternate Go Back Leaves are simple Leaves are compound
Leaves are broadleaf Leaves are alternate Leaves are simple Go Back Leaves are lobed Leaves are not lobed
Leaves are not serrated But can have pointed tips Leaves are broadleaf Leaves are alternate Leaves are simple Leaves are lobed Go Back Leaves are serrated Leaves are not serrated But can have pointed tips
Leaves are not serrated Leaves are broadleaf Leaves are alternate Leaves are simple Leaves are lobed Leaves are not serrated Go Back Leaves are not oak shaped And have no terminal lobe Leaves are oak shaped
Leaves are not serrated Leaves are oak shaped Leaves are broadleaf Leaves are alternate Leaves are simple Leaves are lobed Leaves are not serrated Leaves are oak shaped Go Back Leaves have rounded lobes Leaves have pointed lobes
Leaves have smooth edges Leaves have serrated edges Leaves are broadleaf Leaves are alternate Leaves are simple Leaves have no lobes Go Back Leaves have smooth edges Leaves have serrated edges
Leaves are broadleaf Leaves are alternate Leaves are simple Leaves have no lobes Leaves are serrated Go Back Leaves are oval Or eliptical Leaves are lanceolate Or oblong
Leaves are not serrated Leaves are oval Leaves are broadleaf Leaves are alternate Leaves are simple Leaves have no lobes Leaves are not serrated Leaves are oval Go Back Leaves are equalateral On both sides of leaf Leaves are not equalateral On both sides of leaf
Leaves are not serrated Leaves are broadleaf Leaves are alternate Leaves are simple Leaves have no lobes Leaves are not serrated Go Back Leaves have fine serrations Leaves have coarse serrations
Leaves are not serrated Leaves have coarse serrations Leaves are broadleaf Leaves are alternate Leaves are simple Leaves have no lobes Leaves are not serrated Leaves have coarse serrations Go Back Leaves have single serrations Leaves have double serrations