Interaction of hypercholesterolemia and inflammation in atherogenesis VBWG Hypercholesterolemia Adherence of monocytes to arterial endothelium Penetration of monocytes into the artery Phenotypic modulation, expression of scavenger receptors, uptake of modified LDL Smooth muscle cells Fatty streak, made up mainly of cholesterol-rich foam cells Steinberg D. Nat Med. 2002;8:1211-7.
Pathophysiology of atherosclerotic CV disease in the metabolic syndrome VBWG Genetic variation Environmental factors Central adiposity Innate immunity Inflammatory markers Cytokines Adipokines Monocyte/macrophage Atherosclerosis Adipocyte Insulin resistance TG Metabolic syndrome HDL BP Plaque rupture/thrombosis Cardiovascular events Reilly MP, Rader DJ. Circulation. 2003;108:1546-51.