Hi-Lights I Chapter 2 – libel law
Libel law Journalists need to be prepared to take on libel charges Students are NOT exempt from libel law!
Libel law Laws are complicated and change from state to state Rarely a crime – usually a civil action – citizen vs. citizen Penalty = $
Defenses against libel Truth! Avoid invasion of privacy – pg. 42 – face libel charges if information no longer relevant . . . Burglary charge example
Defenses against libel Be careful of quotes; even if you quote and attribute accurately, you can be sued for libel because you spread the libel. PRIVILEGED STATEMENT – official reporting from the floor of congress, state legislature, or courtroom is immune to libel charges . . .
Fair Comment In a review, if your facts are correct, your opinion is protected. “Romeo and Juliet is horrible” – okay “Romeo and Juliet is horrible play because Romeo survives” = not okay.