The art of zen & teacher researcher maintenance Dr Carol Webb @cazzwebbo #SLTeachmeet 2015
Grumpy --> wellbeing superhero Role of personal research? Enrichment?
Recharge your batteries: what do you already know? "No Zen master teaches anything: there is nothing to teach, for each man is already enlightened. Yet there is a transmission of Zen" - Humphreys, C. (1985). Zen: A Way of Life. London: Hodder & Stoughton.
Reflection: personal research Tweet out something you've learned through personal research that you've enjoyed researching and learning about and found useful in teaching practice How has it changed your practice? Use #SLTeachmeet
Personal Research challenge? Tweet out three things you would like to do some personal research on in your classroom starting in September... Use #SLTeachmeet
Final inspirational thought: 😂
The art of zen & teacher researcher maintenance Dr Carol Webb @cazzwebbo #SLTeachmeet 2015