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Presentation transcript:

Community-Led Local Development: Potentialities in the next ESF programmes

Purpose of the presentation Recall what are the main characteristic of Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) as proposed by the Commission in its legislative proposal Give some practical ideas on how to deal with CLLD in ESF programmes and in a multi-funds context Explain the potential added value of Community-Led Local Development in the ESF context Fiches circulated before the meeting are work in progress. They were produced by DG EMPL on the basis of a common guidance currently prepared by the 4 CSF DGs

Where does CLLD come from? - Roots mainly in LEADER (EAFRD) and Axis 4 of the EFF But some principles are close to the principles which underpinned the Community initiatives "Urban" and "Equal" - At the moment, local action groups (EAFRD/EFF) potentially benefit from different Funds, but not in a coordinated way - The idea: A common approach set out in the Common Provisions Regulation (Articles 28-31) Applicability of the method extended to ERDF and ESF

Definition CLLD Focused on specific sub-regional territories, which can be urban, rural, coastal or a mix of several Community-led: implemented by the local community through public-private partnerships - cannot be implemented by the municipality alone Carried out through integrated and multi-sectoral area based local development strategies Takes into consideration local needs and potential, including local innovation, networking, cooperation

Local development strategies (LDS) - the definition of the area and population covered by the strategy - an analysis of the development needs and potential of the area - a description of the strategy and its objectives - a description of the process of community involvement in the development of the strategy - an action plan demonstrating how objectives are translated into actions - a description of the management and monitoring arrangements of the strategy - the financial plan of the strategy, including the planned allocation of each of the CSF Funds

Local action groups – Art. 30 Legally constituted structure or lead partner in administrative and financial matters Composition: no interest group should represent more than 49% of voting rights (core principle of CLLD) Project selection – at least 50% of the votes from non-public sector partners Local action groups should at least: Carry out capacity building actions for local actors Draw up project selection criteria, assess and select operations for financing under the local development strategy Monitor the implementation of the local development strategy and the operations supported, evaluation activities

Area-based - Territorial approach for a well-defined sub-regional area. - Area shall form a coherent unit in geographical, economic and social terms, and have the resources needed to implement such a strategy. - Not necessarily in conjunction with national administrative boundaries in the case of a functional area whose delimitation corresponds to the thematic priorities of the strategy. - As a general rule, the population of each area should, as a general rule, be not less than 10 000 and not more than 150 000 inhabitants. Possibility of exception in duly justified cases.

CLLD Guiding principles – Art. 28 §2 Consistency and coordination of the support to CLLD between the CSF Funds through: Capacity building Selection and approval of the local development strategies Funding of the implementation of the LDS Support from several funds possible but this is an option for MS Support from the ESF to CLLD, as for the ERDF is optional (with an incentive on the co-financing rate for dedicated priority axis)

Multi-funds CLLD: an option for MS The Partnership Contract Sets out the arrangements to ensure an integrated approach to the use of the CSF Funds for the territorial development in particular with reference to community led local development MS decide which fund, which types of areas should be covered by CLLD and what will be the selection criteria Programme at national or regional level Sets out its contribution to the integrated territorial approach defined in the PC: types of areas covered, priorities to be supported, indicative allocation for CLLD To facilitate the programming – one IP on CLLD in the draft ESF regulation under the TO “social inclusion”

Example of a "multi-fund" local development strategy Local action group ERDF ESF EAFRD EMFF Local governments Local entrepreneurs Local NGOs, civil society LOCAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY Project 3 Project 4 Running costs, animation, networking Possibly though "lead Fund" Project 1 Project 2 Example of a "multi-fund" local development strategy

Programming multi-funded LDS Partnership Contract ESF national/ regional programme(s) ERDF national/ regional programme(s) EAFRD national/ regional programme(s) EMFF national programme(s) Indicative allocation for CLLD Joint Selection committee Multi-funded LDS

Tools to simplify the implementation of "multi- funded" local development strategies - Lead Fund option for multi-funded LDS A “Lead Fund” can be designated at the level of each LDS to cover the running costs, animation and networking activities - Use of a "joint" intermediate body as "a one stop shop" - LAGs as intermediate bodies

Selection of the LDS Local development strategies are selected for EU funding under the responsibility of the relevant managing authorities Selection procedure in the mono and multi-funds context - multi-funded strategies: common selection procedure - mono-funded strategies: coordination between the Funds Timing and type of selection procedure - first round of selection to be finalised by the end of 2015 (subject of discussions in the legislative process)

Interventions eligible under CLLD The CSF Funds can cover: the costs of preparatory support implementation of operations under the local development strategy (including physical investment) preparation and implementation of cooperation activities of the local action group running costs and animation of the local development strategy up to the limit of 25 % of the total public expenditure incurred within the local development strategy The activities supported by the ESF shall be related to the scope of the fund detailed under the 4 TO listed in article 3.1

Monitoring and evaluation Monitoring of CLLD - No separate monitoring system – LAGs report on the financial output and results indicators similar to the ones used for the other priorities - Responsibility of the Managing Authority to undertake further monitoring and evaluation activities, in particular when preparing the implementation reports due in 2017 and 2019 Evaluation of CLLD Evaluation of the contribution of the CLLD to the objective of the programme axis is compulsory and should be included in the programme evaluation plan.

ESF interventions: a few examples - Employment Access to employment for job-seekers Sustainable integration of young people Equality between men and women - Education Reducing early-school leaving - Social inclusion Active inclusion Integration of marginalised communities such as the Roma Non-discrimination Social economy and social enterprises

Interest of CLLD for the ESF Ensuring a stronger articulation between “top-down and bottom-up approach” on Employment, education and social inclusion objectives Strengthening the territorial dimension of the ESF Practical tool for an integrated approach between the funds One possibility to address the specific needs of geographical areas most affected by poverty or of target groups at highest risks of discrimination or exclusion Fostering social innovation Improving the institutional capacity of stakeholders (in particular social partners and NGOs) at local level Increasing transnational activities (cooperation activities) on the ground

Next steps - Comments on the fiches circulated are welcome and could be sent to: mathieu.lefebvre@ec.europa.eu - Expert meeting to be organised in January/February 2013 to present the first draft of the CLLD guidance

What are the potentialities for CLLD in the ESF programmes 2014-2020? Discussion What are the potentialities for CLLD in the ESF programmes 2014-2020?