Introduction to History of the Equine Domestication of Horses Equine Science 1 Introduction to History of the Equine Domestication of Horses
Original Uses of Horses Draft Transportation Warfare Art and mythology Food (flesh was used in prehistoric times)
Pleasure? Why was the horse not originally used for pleasure as it is today? Restraint and control was not suitable until bits and other tack used for control was invented
Today? Horses are used for sports Racing Competitive shows Rodeos Pleasure riding
Herbivores: horses eat plant material and no meat Makeup of the horse: Herbivores: horses eat plant material and no meat Structured such that horses are excellent runners for their size and weight.
Equus cavallus Equus cavallus is the genus and species name given to our present day horses
Changing horses: Eohippus: earliest horse Also called Hyracotherium Discovered by Max Small animal about the size of a fox or dog Fossils found indicate that they existed about 54 million years ago in the Northern Hemisphere Eohippus were 2 ft long and 8 inches tall
Eohippus Four toes on the front and 3 toes on the hind feet Head was elongated and had 44 teeth