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Today’s agenda DISC How to interpret your report Learning how to identify each style preference Today we are taking a few moments to get on the same page and connect Ways to use DISC
DISC History Book - 1928 Lie Detector Dr. Marston Pace Priority Slide 6 Dr. Marston, a high-profile lawyer and psychologist created the DISC Model for emotions and behavior of normal people. His prominent career, evolved into the unconventional research on how the will of a “normal” person can affect their behavior. In the process, he invented the first prototype of the lie detector, measuring changes in a person’s blood pressure while being questioned, as shown in this photo. In 1928, he published “Emotions of Normal People” based on his DISC Model and Theory that there were 4 core communication behavior styles. The 4 styles are what we know today as Dominant, Influence, Steady and Conscientious. He discovered that each style possessed a pace; fast or deliberate, as well as a priority of a focus; task or people. Dr. Marston was one of the first in his field to step out of academia and consult with business world on how to use his research findings in a practical manner. He also believed that the knowledge of emotions of normal people also belonged to the general population. In fact, he was the pioneer in authoring self-help books. Pace Priority Dominant Fast & Task Influence Fast & People Steady Deliberate & People Conscientious Deliberate & Task
We all have some D,I,S,C in our style. Energy Line is used to describe your preferences with each style. Our Natural Style is based on all points above Energy Line.
Dominant above the Energy Line Orientation - Problem Solve Preference - Expedient Slide 10 Someone’s Dominant Style may be above the energy line. Since the D communication orientation is on Problem Solving, they typically prefer to handle situations with great expediency. They are often referred to as result driven, bottom line, and can be quite competitive… like to win! Challenges and conquering them give them energy. High D’s typically need to beware that others may perceive their assertiveness as quite demanding. And if such behavior persists, that can generate some “withdraws” in their Emotional Bank Account. How many of you have heard of that concept? It’s like your Bank Account… You make deposits, and to pay your bills you make withdrawals. But if someone makes withdrawals consistently, that can contribute to what is referred to as “Emotional Bankruptcy.” Overuse - Demanding
Dominant below the Energy Line Orientation - Problem Solve Preference - Contemplative Slide 11 Another person may have a Dominant Style that is below the energy line. Their preference when it comes to problem solving is to be more on the prudent, contemplative, reflective. Gathering information first, processing it then deciding is the approach they are most comfortable with. Of course, sometimes one can study a situation at great length & still an “elephant” might show up! And most assuredly, even though their comfort zone may be collecting data before offering an option, They can certainly make a conscious effort to learn to develop the skill to be quick and expedient to problem solve, if needed. Can Develop Skill To Be Expedient
Dominant near Energy Line Orientation - Problem Solve Preference - Calculated Risks Slide 12 If someone has a D style that is near the energy line and they are problem solving, they are more apt to be calculated in their risk taking. Their preference would to approach decision making with a rational strategy. The fact that their style is near the energy line means it is easier for them to speed-up or slow down when needed. In “DISC” terms, that means it requires a more moderate effort to stretch, flex or adapt when communicating others that have a different problem solving preference. Moderate Effort to Stretch /Flex/Adapt
Influence above Energy Line Orientation - People Connection Preference - Demonstrative Slide 13 Someone’s Influence Style may be above the energy line. Since the I Style is focused on how one goes about influencing others, The high I prefers actively interacting with people and is energized by frequent connections with others. They are known for expressing themselves quite openly and enjoy inspiring others. Vocations they are often drawn to are related to customer service, sales and marketing. Positions they are often drawn to are in the fields of customer service, sales, training ,and marketing. However, their enthusiasm is not always appreciated and they need to be aware that that it may be a bit on the overpowering side for others. If this too, is done frequently then Emotional Withdrawals can occur. Overuse - Overpowering Enthusiasm
Influence below Energy Line Orientation - People Connection Preference - Understated Can Develop Skill To Be Persuade Slide 14 Another person may have an I Style that is below the energy line. Their preference when it comes to connecting with others is a more reserved, understated, behind the scenes approach. Being center stage would not be their first or even second choice for interacting with others. If they were to attend a network event, they would typically look for someone they already knew and continue that conversation for the balance of the event. However ,they can certainly make a conscious effort to learn to develop the skill to speak in front of groups, lead meetings and be persuasive if necessary.
Influence near Energy Line Orientation - People Connection Preference - Friendly/Reserved Slide 15 If someone has an I style that is near the energy line they are usually friendly, poised, and modest. They are usually comfortable being with others and do want their opinion known, but do not want to overshadow others. The fact that their style is near the energy line means it is easier for them to speak-up if needed or to wait to express their ideas. They can actively engage others, but that is not a role of choice to be maintained. In “DISC” terms, that means it requires a more moderate effort to stretch, flex or adapt when communicating others that have a different preference for interacting. Moderate Effort to Stretch/Flex/Adapt
Steady above Energy Line Orientation - Planning Preference - Systematic Overuse - Keep Status Quo Slide 16 Someone’s Steady Style may be above the energy line. Since the S Style is focused on how one goes about planning, having systems and methods. The high S prefers a stable, consistent environment with a predictable pace. Prefer to be a team player than team leader. The “S” is the most accommodating style. . However, their preference for stability can be observed as wanting to maintain status quo. And, yes, you’re right… they certainly can commit to putting effort towards exploring new options.
Steady below Energy Line Orientation - Planning Preference - Be Spontaneous Slide 17 Another person may have an S Style that is below the energy line. Their preference when it comes to being organized is more accurately as someone who loves to be spontaneous and brainstorm. May have a plan and then quickly changes to a whole new approach. Loves to help get projects started. And yes, they can develop the skills and abilities to be organized and follow timelines, if they commit to it. Can Develop Skill - To Be Organized
Steady near Energy Line Orientation - Planning Preference - Composed Moderate Effort to Stretch/Flex/Adapt Slide 18 If someone has a S style that is near the energy, above or below, the are more apt to be relaxed, composed and calm. They are comfortable checking on the progress of their projects and providing support to others. The fact that their style is near the energy line means it is easier for them to help organize a project and are more apt to also be open to new ideas.
Conscientious above Energy Line Orientation - Procedures Preference - Analyze Overuse - Stuck in Details Slide 19 Someone’s Conscientious Style may be above the energy line. The high C Style is focused on making sure procedures are followed and are accurate. Quality, high standards, correctness are extremely important to them. They expect to get time to assess and analyze situations or issues. The higher the point is for the C Style, the more logic and facts they expect. Vocations they are often drawn to are related to engineering, science and music ( music has a high mathematical component for many musicians.) However, their drive to have exacting figures may lead them to getting stuck in details. And, they can most assuredly commit effort & develop skill towards determining what must have extensive documentation vs priorities that don’t require that level of detailed intensity.
Conscientious below Energy Line Orientation - Procedures Preference – Conceptual Can Develop Skill - To Be Detailed Slide 20 Another person may have a Conscientious Style that is below the energy line. Their preference when it comes to working with details and procedures is a much more conceptual, big picture viewpoint. And if the rules do not seem to fit the situation, they are willing to change the rules. They have quite the “Can Do” attitude. (Does not mean they know how to do something, but, they figure they’ll get it done one way or another.) Based on their orientation, accurate paperwork is usually not of the highest priority. Of course, once they commit effort & develop ability, they too can produce correct paperwork.
Conscientious near Energy Line Orientation - Procedures Preference – Pragmatic, Focused Moderate Effort to Stretch/Flex/ Adapt Slide 21 If someone has a C style that is near the energy line and they are working with procedures, they are more apt to be pragmatic and focused. They often work independently and prefer time to take care of details. Their preference would to approach decision making with a rational strategy. The fact that their style is near the energy line means it is easier for them to become more analytical if need be or stretch to be more experimental. In “DISC” terms, that means it requires a more moderate effort flexing or adapting when working with procedures.
Discuss results What stands out? What are some of the dangers of using DISC information (stereotyping, assumptions, making ill-informed decisions)
activity Use one of the What’s Your Style activities.
What do we do with this information? Use it! Practice 1. Think of someone who you struggle to connect with 2. What DISC preference do you think they have? Are there barriers that keep us from achieving success? Have them write their thoughts on a post-it Have each of them read their post-it note and then put it on the chart paper 3. Taking their DISC preference into consideration, what can you do differently (behavior adaptation) to improve your interaction with them?
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