Chin-Yu Lin et al. JACEP 2016;2:459-470 Identification of VT Isthmus Sites by SAFE-T Map in Ischemic VT (A) Time-frequency analysis of bipolar electrograms (numbers 1 to 5 correspond to locations in B). (B) Posterior view of the bipolar voltage map showing an area of low-voltage scar extending to the inferolateral aspect of the left ventricular endocardium. (C) Posterior view of pace-mapping map and central isthmus location shown in the left column. The corresponding VT morphologies are shown in the right column. The best pace-mapping morphology is shown in the middle column. (D) Late potentials identify only 1 of the isthmuses (VT3). This site is the most lateral and basal of the 3 isthmuses and thus more readily identifiable using the late potential method, which relies on the summation of both regional and local delayed conduction timing, a limitation that SAFE-T overcomes. (E) The SAFE-T map shows the area of arrhythmogenic potentials (SAFE-T >3.09 Hz mV), which was compatible with the 3 identified isthmuses, including the central isthmus, proximal isthmus, and exit sites. (F) After ablation, a remap demonstrates that the high-frequency components in isthmus areas disappear. PASO = pace mapping software module; other abbreviations as in Figures 1 and 4. Chin-Yu Lin et al. JACEP 2016;2:459-470 American College of Cardiology Foundation