Ms. Hageman, Yardville Elementary, September 12, 2017 Basic Skills Services Ms. Hageman, Yardville Elementary, September 12, 2017 Hamilton Township School District Department of Curriculum & Instruction
An Overview of Basic Skills We are a supplemental program which provides a range of services for identified struggling students. Our services match the needs of the students and data is collected to determine the progress of each student. Our services are fluid; students may exit and enter as determined by student data. Instruction is in addition to core curriculum and instruction provided by the Classroom Teacher. Classroom Teacher will also provide small group instruction for struggling students. Students will be included during classroom whole group instruction (ex. Mini-lesson, daily routines, read aloud).
How Students are Selected for Basic Skills Students are identified for possible inclusion into BSI using multiple measures. These measures include: District benchmark assessments (2016-17) Diagnostic assessments in reading and/or math (iReady - 2016-17) Report Cards Classroom performance Teacher recommendation
Basic Skills Teachers...Who We Are Basic Skills teachers are… well trained in the best instructional practices for both Math and ELA. able to collect data on students to use for decision making. always collaborating with the classroom teacher to make informed decisions for every student.
Instruction at a Glance Literacy Instruction Guided Reading Lessons Leveled Literacy Lessons Writing Vocabulary and Word Work Math Instruction New: ‘Moving with Math’ Lessons Guided Math model (small group) Use of concrete manipulatives Math Fact Practice Problem Solving Skills
Communication with Parents Student progress will be communicated in a variety of ways: Phone Call Parent-Teacher Conferences Progress Report
Important Contacts Ms. Hageman, BSI Teacher, Heather Lieberman, Curriculum Supervisor, 609.631.4100 x3045 Jennifer Marinello, Curriculum Supervisor, 609.631.4100 x3005