Critical Race Theory
What is Critical Race Theory? A broader study of Civil Rights and Ethnic Studies Includes: Economics History Context Group- and Self-Interest Feelings
Key Aspects of CRT Racism is ordinary, not aberrational White-over-color serves important purposes for the dominant group Races are a product of social thought and relations Intersectionality: no one has a single, easily stated, unitary identity
Does racism still exist? The amount of violent racism, i.e. lynching and beatings, is on the decline Virtually every study shows that people of color are more likely to be rejected for loans, jobs, housing, etc. than their equally qualified white counterparts People of color lead shorter lives, receive worse medical care, complete fewer years of school, and occupy more menial jobs
Idealists Racism and discrimination are matters of thinking, mental categorization, attitude, and discourse Race is a social construction, not a biological reality Through change in thinking, racism can be eliminated
Realists Attitudes and words are important Racism is more than having unfavorable impressions of people Racism is a means by which society allocates privileges and status Materialist – Demonization of conquered people allows for exploitation.