JOURNAL QUESTION: What would you say (or have you said) to a friend who became unexpectedly pregnant and was contemplating an abortion?
ROE vs. WADE This was the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion on January 22, 1973. This decision allowed abortion: During the first trimester (@ 12 weeks) without restrictions During the second trimester there may be some state regulation due to the mother’s health During the 3rd trimester (24+ weeks), abortions are prohibited except for sake of mother’s health Rests upon the 14th Amendment—right to privacy
ROE v. WADE The real person “Roe” is Norma McCorvey In 1973 the court ruled that legalized abortion is legal Norma never actually had an abortion. (She had 3 children by the age of 21!) Norma later converted to Catholicism She now has dedicated her life to speak against abortion
The Didache Also known as “The Teaching of the 12 Apostles” Written in the early 1st century One of the oldest non-canonical Christian texts Contains teachings for Christians to follow
The Didache Now the second precept of the teaching is: "You will not murder. You will not commit adultery.” You will not sodomize young boys. You will not have unlawful sex.” You will not steal." Do not practice magic. Do not practice sorcery. Neither murder a child by abortion, nor will you destroy what is born.
Declaration on Procured Abortion #12 “From the time that the ovum is fertilized, a life is begun which is: Neither that of the father Nor of the mother …the life of a new human with its own growth. It would never be made human if it were not human already…”