TDES Composite Pilot: Evaluator Marks Final Recommendations Spring, 2013 E Marks Final Recommendations
E Marks Final Recommendations TDES Composite After logging in to GTGL, E must click Staff Management tab at top. E Marks Final Recommendations 2 2
E Marks Final Recommendations TDES Composite Click downward arrow next to name of professional to be evaluated. E Marks Final Recommendations 3 3
E Marks Final Recommendations TDES Composite Click plus sign to expand and show steps. E Marks Final Recommendations 4 4
E Marks Final Recommendations TDES Composite Move the mouse over Actions at Step 6 E Marks Final Recommendations 5 5
E Marks Final Recommendations TDES Composite Click Manage. E Marks Final Recommendations 6 6
E Marks Final Recommendations TDES Composite In the future this will be pre-populated by HR. However for the pilot select the contract type for the teacher. E Marks Final Recommendations 7 7
E Marks Final Recommendations TDES Composite Select the licensure type. E Marks Final Recommendations 8 8
E Marks Final Recommendations TDES Composite Select the Overall Performance Level. E Marks Final Recommendations 9 9
E Marks Final Recommendations TDES Composite If the Overall Performance level is Accomplished or Proficient click in the box for Professional Growth Plan. E Marks Final Recommendations 10 10
E Marks Final Recommendations TDES Composite If the Overall Performance level is Developing or Ineffective, click in the box next to Professional Improvement Plan. E Marks Final Recommendations 11 11
E Marks Final Recommendations TDES Composite Add a Focus Area for the upcoming school year based on the evidence for the evaluations and school or personal goals. E Marks Final Recommendations 12 12
E Marks Final Recommendations TDES Composite Click Save. E Marks Final Recommendations 13 13
E Marks Final Recommendations TDES Composite Click Accept to sign. E Marks Final Recommendations 14 14
E Marks Final Recommendations TDES Composite You will see the Signoff Status. E Marks Final Recommendations 15 15
E Marks Final Recommendations TDES Composite Move the mouse over the Actions button at the top. E Marks Final Recommendations 16 16
E Marks Final Recommendations TDES Composite Click Mark Complete. E Marks Final Recommendations 17 17
E Marks Final Recommendations TDES Composite Click OK in the pop up. E Marks Final Recommendations 18 18
E Marks Final Recommendations TDES Composite You will now see that Step 6 for the Evaluator is completed. E Marks Final Recommendations 19 19
E Marks Final Recommendations TDES Composite Next…P Reviews Final Recommendations and Accepts or Does Not Accept. Now the Professional will review and either accept or not accept the final performance level rating. E Marks Final Recommendations 20 20