Enrollment Management Survey Report February 2018
Do you have an institutional enrollment management (EM) team?
Which offices are represented on the team? (check all that apply) Academic Affairs 66.7% 16 Fiscal Affairs 33.3% 8 Institutional Research 54.2% 13 Other 66.7% 16 Other 54.2% 13 Other 29.2% 7 Other Count Marketing 2 Advising 1 Academic Success Center Academic Support Bookstore Enrollment Services Center Graduate Admissions Housing IT/MIS Institutional site representation Military Enrollment Orientation Residence Life Students Testing Center Totals 16 Other Count Academic Advising 2 First Year Experience Advising 1 Advising / DE Coord. Advising, Res Life, IT sit in on the meetings Cadet Admissions Career Services Director of Retention Dual Enrollment Housing Student Success Totals 13 Other Count Testing 2 Auxiliary Services 1 Center for Academic Success Housing Scholarships Undergraduate Studies And First-Year Programs Totals 7
Who is the designated leader of the EM team?
How often does the EM team meet?
To whom does the team report?
Are minutes kept of the EM meetings?
Who receives copies of the minutes?
Who receives copies of the minutes? Count Response 2 EM Team 1 All the members of the committee. Committee members EM leaders to share with their staff Enrollment Team Entire Enrollment Team, and President and President cabinet upon request. Exectuvie Assistant Members On file Team Members and Vice Presidents The EM Team and Provost The Team, and I report to the VP on specific items The are posted to our website VPSA the team and others
Does the EM team report on a regular basis to? (check all that apply)
Does the EM team report on a regular basis to? (check all that apply)
Is there a dedicated position on the EM team that is responsible for data collection/data analysis/predictive analytics?
Is there an enrollment management VP or Associate VP position on your campus?
Does that position report to you Does that position report to you? If not, who is responsible for EM on your campus?
Does your institution currently have a first year experience course?
Is your first year experience course required by all first year students?
Is it a 3 credit hour course or 1 credit hour?
Is it Pass/Fail or graded?
Do you have an enrollment strategic plan?
Do you have a 5 year plan?
Who has a copy of that plan?
Who has a copy of that plan? Count Response 1 All administration (academic and staff) and those to whom it was forwarded. It has been shared with faculty and staff during multiple meetings. Associate VP and Registrar, Provost, EM Team Council EM Enrollment Management Team, VPs, and Ie, office Enrollment Services Insitution Leadership and Enrollment Management Leadership Key Leaders Across Campus, the EM Team. On Website On website President and the team. Also cabinet VP Instruction part of strategic plan
Who maintains the plan?
Who maintains the plan? Count Response 2 AVP Enrollment Management 1 AVP for EM Associate VP for Enrollment Services Exec. Director of Admissions VP for Enrollment Management and Student Success unclear of what is meant by "maintains"
Do you have a budget designated for enrollment management objectives?
Significant issues for discussion 85% have EM team 54% report information to President Administration, reporting and organizational structure varies (only 53% report to you) 4. Only 62% have data collection/analysis person 5. 75% have a first year experience required course 6. Only 46% have a strategic plan 7. Only 54% have a five year plan 8. Only 68% have a designated EM budget
QUESTIONS Dr. Joyce Jones Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs University System of Georgia Joyce.jones@usg.edu