INDIA AND NATURAL RUBBER April 1996 to March 2005 (tonnes) EACH AND EVERY THING INDIA AND NATURAL RUBBER April 1996 to March 2005 (tonnes) Previous balance and production was the availability which was always excess than demand
STEADY MONTH END BALANCE FOR STEADY PRICE (A harmful game creating excess stock balance and influencing the price) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -A steady balance for reasonable price For the Year 2004 up to July Total availability =297836 Total Consumption =252478 Balance Stock =54170 Actual Balance =45358 Missing =8306 Tonnes. But actual missing is 8812 tonnes.
EXPORT For the Year 2004 up to July Total availability =297836 Total Consumption =252478 Balance Stock =54170 Actual Balance =45358 Missing =8306 Tonnes. But actual missing is 8812 tonnes.
AVAILABILITY This graph is enough for a reasonable and steady varying price related with cultivation cost and share of manufacturing cost.
PRODUCTION This graph is enough for a reasonable and steady varying price related with cultivation cost and share of manufacturing cost.
CONSUMPTION This graph is enough for a reasonable and steady varying price related with cultivation cost and share of manufacturing cost.
BALANCE AS PER RB For the Year 2004 up to July Total availability =297836 Total Consumption =252478 Balance Stock =54170 Actual Balance =45358 Missing =8306 Tonnes. But actual missing is 8812 tonnes.
A GAME AGAINST SMALL - GROWERS & INDUSTRIES IMPORT A GAME AGAINST SMALL - GROWERS & INDUSTRIES - If the supply and demand is equal what is the need of export and import for fluctuating market price?
ACTUAL BALANCE This graph is enough for a reasonable and steady varying price related with cultivation cost and share of manufacturing cost.
PRODUCTION CONSUMPTION & AVAILABILITY This graph is enough for a reasonable and steady varying price related with cultivation cost and share of manufacturing cost.
MISSING –11015 TONNES This game finished with 26714 Tonnes which is impossible Missing below the limit to reduce price This game to help middle men and few manufacturers by Indian Rubber Board.
( MIDDLE MEN) in Rupees/quintal PROCESSORS OF NATURAL RUBBER ( MIDDLE MEN) in Rupees/quintal
All details for the year 2005-2006 Natural Rubber