Phillipa Gill SCI 199 Y Tutorial Sept. 14, 2009 Phillipa Gill
Von Neumann Architecture OS Programs Data Memory Control Unit Arithmetic Logic Unit Accumulator Input Output
General Purpose Machines As opposed to fixed purpose E.g., your calculator is not a word processor or gaming console Machine can be used to solve problems using programs stored in memory
Example Program: Problem Input: a value X, a list A with length N Output: the position in the list where X resides if X is in the list. 0 otherwise. Example: A = 2,4,6,5,10 if X is 6 this program will return 3
Example Program: Code ANSWER=0 I=1 WHILE ANSWER = 0 and I <= N IF X=A(I) then ANSWER = I I=I+1 ENDWHILE OUTPUT ANSWER
Example Program: Memory 1000 X 1001 N 1002 I 1003 ANSWER 2000 A 2001 … 2000 + N-1
Example Program: Memory (2) Write-constant-into-memory 0,1003 % set ANSWER=0 Write-constant-into-memory 1,1002 % set I=1 Get-memory 1001 %put N into accumulator Subtract-memory 1002 % compute N-I Conditional-jump-on-negative 16 %if N-I was negative Get-memory 2000 % get value of A(I) Subtract-memory 1000 % compute A(I) – X Conditional-jump-on-zero 14 % if A(I)-X=0 Get-memory 6 % load word 6 into memory Add-constant 1 % increment address in word 6 Get-memory 1002 % load I
Example Program: Memory (3) Get-memory 6 % load word 6 into memory Add-constant 1 % increment address in word 6 Get-memory 1002 % load I Add-constant 1 % increment I Jump 6 % go back to start of loop Get-memory 1002 % get value of I Put-memory 1003 %put this value into 1003 (answer) Output 1003 % output answer
Issues Code can modify itself! The above code changes the statement: Get-memory 6 % load word 6 into memory Add-constant 1 % increment address in word 6 The above code changes the statement: Get-memory 2000 into Get-memory 2001 Why is this a bad idea? Recent developments have tried to fix this