The Second industrial revolution
Create a PPT that includes the following: 1. an explanation of the terms realism, modernism, impressionism, and post-impressionism as they apply to nineteenth-century art and literature 2. two examples each of realist style art, impressionist art, and post-impressionist art (identify the artist and the title of the work and be prepared to discuss why each work is considered to be of that particular style) 3. an analysis contrasting various examples of romantic, realist, and impressionist art 4. two examples each of realist and modernist writers (for each one- include an image of the writer, a list of 2-3 of his or her most popular works, and a brief description of one of those works) Realist artists include Edouard Manet and Gustave Courbet. Realist novelists include Charles Dickens, George Eliot, Gustave Flaubert, and Emile Zola. Modernist authors include Virginia and Leonard Woolf and James Joyce. Impressionist artists include Edward Manet, Claude Monet, Camille Pissaro, and Pierre-Auguste Renoir. Post-Impressionist artists include George Seurat, Paul Cezanne, Vincent Van Gogh, and Paul Gauguin.
The Second Industrial Revolution New Industrial Frontiers- steel, chemicals, electricity, oil Bessemer process and steel production ocean liners, airplanes, and automobiles electricity and new inventions Thomas Edison, A. Graham Bell, G. Marconi Internal-combustion engine consequences? wages? transportation costs? consumer goods? European-dominated world economy
Changing Urban Environment population growth urban social reform boards of health, clean water, sewage systems, dams, reservoirs, aqueducts Social Structure continued poverty wealthy elite 5% of European population (possessed 40% of wealth) government and military leaders middle class lawyers, doctors, civil servants, engineers, scientists shopkeepers, secretaries, clerks, teachers urban workers 80% of European population skilled artisans and unskilled laborers
Organizing the Working Classes Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto struggle between oppressing owners of the means of production and the oppressed workers bourgeoisie and the proletariat ultimate goal of communism? German Social Democratic Party (SPD), 1875 Second International, 1889 pure Marxists and revisionist Marxists trade unions in Britain, 1870s-1914
The Experiences of Women prevailing early nineteenth-century views of women new opportunities secretaries, clerks, typists in factories or retail centers social work, education, and health in government feminism Amalie Sieveking Female Association for the Care of the Poor and Sick Florence Nightingale Increasing demand for political equality
Discuss how Zionism is an example of modern European nationalism.
In your European history textbook, read pp In your European history textbook, read pp. 780-781, 815-819, and 987-988 Identify: anti-Semitism, pogrom, Dreyfus Affair, Theodor Herzl, Zionism, Karl Lueger, Balfour Declaration, Yishuv, 1947 U.N. Resolution
Israeli Nationalism
Jewish Emancipation and Modern Anti-Semitism Political Emancipation 1848, Berlin and Vienna Frankfurt Assembly 1871, German Empire New Jewish occupations and the Jewish middle class in western and central Europe Resurge in Anti-Semitism Stock Market Crash of 1873 Modern Anti-Semitism “Jewish race” and the perceived biological threat Karl Lueger and the Christian Socialists Assassination of Tsar Alexander II, 1881 Emigration from eastern Europe, 1881-1914
Zionism Movement, 1897 A movement toward Israel’s political nationhood started by Theodor Herzl (1860-1904) Balfour Declaration, 1917 U.N. Resolution, 1947 State of Israel, 1948
Identify: anti-Semitism, pogrom, Dreyfus Affair, Theodor Herzl, Zionism
To what extent did each of the following social groups succeed in achieving their goals during the Napoleonic period? clergy, nobility, bourgeoisie, urban working class, peasants, women Describe how nationalism affected the Ottoman empire differently than it did the Prussian empire. What do you think accounted for these differences? Why was there no revolution in Britain in the period from 1815 until 1848, while many revolutions occurred on the continent? Identify and describe the events leading up to the unification of Germany in 1871 and discuss how nationalism influenced this development. Discuss the factors that contributed to the rapid rise of cities during the industrialization period of the nineteenth century. How did this urbanization influence the realism movement in the arts? What is the relationship between urban growth, industry, and the rise of socialism during this period?