1.The Armistice of Moudros gave the Allies the opportunity to occupy any territory in the homeland. 2.The Ottoman Empire was exhausted and weak after the World War I. 3.Atatürk declared the National Oath on January 28, 1920. It highlighted the homeland’s unity, sovereignty and independence. 4.The Ottoman Empire and the Allies signed the Treaty of Sevres but the Grand National Assembly didn’t accept the treaty. 5.He was clever, well-educated and hardworking. 6.They sacrified themselves as well as men at that time. They carried the munitions on their shoulders or oxen-driven carriages. 7.I think our ancestors’ hardworking, persistence and self sacrifying characteristics brought victory to our homeland. 8.It brought the victory.
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was born in 1)Salonika / İstanbul Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was born in 1)Salonika / İstanbul. His father was Rıza Efendi, his mother was Zübeyde Hanım. They got married in 1871. When Mustafa Kemal was born, his mother was almost 2)thirty / fifty. She didn’t get any education, but she was a sensible woman. Mustafa Kemal was an energetic child with3)blond/ black hair and blue eyes. When he was 5 or 6 years old, he caught everybody’s attention with his cleverness. So, his mother and father sent him to school 4)early/ late. He began his primary education at the local school but soon he started Şemsi Efendi School. In 1888 he had to move to Rapla to live on his5)auntie’s/ uncle’s farm because his father died. A few years later he came back to 6)Rapla/ Salonika to go on his education
In 1889, he started Military Junior School in Salonika In 1889, he started Military Junior School in Salonika. Although his mother, Zübeyde Hanım didn’t give him permission, he attended the exam of the school. But he took the exam and passed it, so his mother said “OK.” to him. After that, he attended Monastir Military School. Later. he finished İstanbul Military School. Then, he went on his education at İstanbul Military Academy in 1902 and graduated there with the rank of lieutenant. He was reading the works by Namık Kemal and by famous French writers. He learnt French by himself. He 7)graduated/ started from the Academy in 1905 as a captain. After his graduation, his first service was in 8)Damascus/ Tripoli. He had a successful career after that. The Ottoman Empire declared war against the Allies Powers on November 11, 1914. He defended homeland against the British and French troops in the Dardanelles. Mustafa Kemal gave the Ottoman Empire a successful service until the end of the World War 9) I/ II. Then, he started doing many things on the way to our independence. On June 22, 1919 he declared the Amasya Circular. He highlighted that the people’s hardworking and determination would save the homeland in the circular. Then, he held congresses in Erzurum and Sivas. On April 23, 1920 the Turkish Grand National Assembly met for the 10)first / second time and they chose him as the Speaker of the House and the head of the government.
The end of the World War I and the beginning of the Independence War.
1. It is about the Independence War. 2. It gave the Allies a chance to occupy any territory and disarm the Ottoman Empire Army. 3. No, they didn’t. 4. Because he didn’t get any good result from staying İstanbul and meeting the Sultan and the important politicians. 5. No, they didn’t have enough munitions but they brought the munitions secretly from İstanbul to Anatolia. 6. They protested the occupying powers. Then they sent protesting telegraphs to the foreign embassies. They organized meetings around the country. 7. Because they would join the Grand National Assembly in Ankara. 8. They declared the Grand National Assembly on April 23, 1920.
The winter past very harsh in 1921. Someone had to carry the munitions coming from İnebolu to the fronts. The self-sacrificing Turkish mothers were carrying munitions from İnebolu to Ankara despite the chilly cold. One of them was Şerife Bacı. It was snowing heavily and the night was coming with its colder hands. She covered the munitions in the oxen-driven carriage with her baby’s blanket. She hid her little child among the munitions. After a while she couldn’t follow the others. While she was pushing the carriage with the oxen, the snow was tickening on the cover of the munitions. There was a deep silence in the air. She could only hear the noise of the carriage. The dark of the night was falling down as a thick curtain and she couldn’t recognize the path and she couldn’t follow the others. She was feeling very cold as she felt a deep sleep desire. She could reach at the quarters. She got frozen before she delivered the munitions to the soldiers a few feet away. When the soldiers realized the carriage, they rushed to it. They met Şerife Bacı lying frozen at the feet of the oxen. While they were running for her, they heard a baby crying. They pulled the frozen blanket, to their surprise, a baby was there crying. His mother was dead but he was alive. She could deliver the munitions.