WG3b Activities A proposal


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Presentation transcript:

WG3b Activities A proposal Jean-Marie Bettems / MeteoSwiss COSMO GM Roma, September 5th , 2011

WG3b – What is it? The working group on physical aspects has been split in two parts, WG3a and WG3b, with WG3b being concerned with soil and surface aspects. Jean-Marie Bettems / MeteoSwiss is currently the coordinator of WG3b. The tasks of WG3b have to be defined.

WG3b – What is it for? From the new COSMO Terms of References: Tasks, authority, and responsibilities of Working Group Coordinators maintains a Work Package List documenting all the activities within the Working Group and coordinates the work of the scientists contributing the Working Group; plans changes to the official version of the COSMO software within the scope of the Working Group and supervises their implementation; ....

WG3b – Activities (1) Background There are some tasks which were proposed within COLOBOC but which have not yet been finalized, or which are permanent (e.g. data pool). There are also some tasks which were defined in the former WG3. A priority task on the implentation of mire parametrization in TERRA has been accepted by the StC. Many activities on this topic take place in the CLM community. Criteria Potential impact on the quality of the simulations (NWP, but also assimilation system and climate applications) Significance for end users Available resources and expertise Risk asessment !

WG3b – Activities (2) 1. Define a list of WG3b activities with Active tasks with associated resources, Tasks without resource, but urgent (→ ask StC for resources) Tasks without resource, on hold 2. Suggest activities to other working groups 3. Maintain a list of open questions  WG3b_Proposal.doc

WG3b – Which resources? Active COSMO scientists in this field Giovanni Bonafe ARPA-SIMC gbonafe@arpa.emr.it Massimo Milelli ARPA-Piedmont m.milelli@arpa.piemonte.it Juergen.Helmert DWD Juergen.Helmert@dwd.de Ekaterina Machulskaya DWD Ekaterina.Machulskaya@dwd.de Dmitrii Mironov DWD dmitrii.mironov@dwd.de Bodo Ritter DWD bodo.ritter@dwd.de Jan-Peter Schulz DWD jan-peter.schulz@dwd.de Martin Lange DWD Martin.Lange@dwd.de Claudia Heret DWD Claudia.Heret@dwd.de Gerd Vogel DWD gerd.vogel@dwd.de Edouard Davin ETHZ edouard.davin@env.ethz.ch Grzegorz Duniec IMGW grzegorz.duniec@imgw.pl Jean-Marie Bettems MeteoSwiss jean-marie.bettems@meteoswiss.ch Reto Stoeckli MeteoSwiss Reto.Stoeckli@meteoswiss.ch Ekaterina Kazakova Roshydromet kaza4ok-87@mail.ru Inna Rozinkina Roshydromet rozin2004@mail.ru Alla Yurova Roshydromet alla.yurova@gmail.com

Thank you for your attention!