Welcome to 12:13! Need to use the bathroom? Ask a parent volunteer. Need a handout from last week? Need to borrow a pen? Loan us a shoe and we will loan you a pen! Need to talk with your friend? Before or after class, but not during
The Greatest Story Ever Told How To Read And Understand THE PROPHETS (Daniel, Part 5/Ch. 6)
King over all: four men in the fiery furnace Bow down to the image! The accusation Nebuchadnezzar’s threat Ready to die for truth Into the flames No God like our Lord!
KING OVER ALL: NEBUCHADNEZZAR’S HUMILIATION The dream The interpretation The boast The judgment The confession The restoration
KING OVER ALL: HANDWRITING ON THE WALL Belshazzar’s feast Blasphemy Fear the fingers! Witless wise men Daniel’s verdict “That very night…”
Distinguished and Despised (6:1-9) One of the three presidents An excellent spirit was in him King planned set him over the whole kingdom Other leaders were jealous and tried to find some dirt on Daniel He was faithful and no error of fault was found within him Passed an unchangeable law
Trivial Pursuit What is Canada's most prevalent goose? What was the largest city in the U.S. when the first census was taken in 1790? What snack food did a University of South Florida engineering professor spend six years studying the crunch of?
Disciplined and Dumped (6:10-18) New law didn’t change his prayer habit a bit – he continued to pray to his God three times a day. Accused- Remember that law you signed? King was distressed- set his mind to deliver Daniel As he threw him into the lion’s den, King Darius said he hoped Daniel’s god could deliver him Stone placed over the mouth of the den Deeply troubled and unable to help Daniel
Trivial Pursuit What sport causes 18,000 facial injuries each year in U.S. kids aged 5 to 14? What’s the fastest swimming marine mammal? How many minor league homeruns did Babe Ruth hit?
Delivered (6:19-28) The purpose was not for God to save Daniel from trials but through trials 1 Peter 1:6-7 Daniel was delivered because….. He was found blameless before God He trusted in his God Accusers cast into the den and judged
Another Found Blameless There was another who was despised and rejected Another who was convicted on trumped up charges, Another who was left behind a sealed den, on the dawn of that morning was discovered to be alive.
Delivered for our sake We can be found blameless before our God because of Christ righteousness We receive this righteousness through trusting in our God and the work that Jesus accomplished on our behalf Hebrews 12
FORESHADOWING Verdict delivered on all believers on the final judgment day All those in Adam will be declared guilty and will share their fate of destruction All those who are in Christ will be found NOT guilty and will share in Christ glory and exaltation
TREMBLE & FEAR! “I make a decree, that in all my royal dominion people are to tremble and fear before the God of Daniel, for he is the living God, enduring forever; his kingdom shall never be destroyed, and his dominion shall be to the end.” (Daniel 6:26)
Starting Point 2010 and forward 14 chairs table podium Table for water/OJ table Table for coffee/food Starting Point 2010 and forward