Motion IEEE Standards withdrawals to RevCom


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Presentation transcript:

Motion IEEE802.20 Standards withdrawals to RevCom DCN ec-18-0067-02-00EC Motion IEEE802.20 Standards withdrawals to RevCom Motion Authorize to submit the following three IEEE802.20 standards to RevCom for withdrawal IEEE Std 802.20-2008 IEEE Std 802.20.2-2010 IEEE Std 802.20.3-2010 Moved by: James Gilb Seconded by: Steve Shellhammer Y/N/A: Unanimously approved. Passed by voice vote without objection. Background Information All the three standards have passed the sponsor ballot with 100% Affirmation rate. The sponsor ballot opened on Jan 26, 2018 and closed on Feb 25, 2018. There were NO negative votes with comments. There was only one editorial comment on grammar from an affirmative voter. This comment was later withdrawn by commenter Supporting documentation: See Slide 2

Sponsor Ballot Results Summary DCN ec-18-0067-02-00EC Sponsor Ballot Results Summary   IEEE Std 802.20-2008 IEEE Std 802.20.2-2010 IEEE802.20.3-2010 Ballot Open Date: 26-Jan-18 Ballot Close Date: 25-Feb-18 Type: Withdrawal Comments: 1 RESPONSE RATE This ballot has met the 75% returned ballot requirement. 53 eligible people in this ballot group. 44 eligible people in this ballot group 45 eligible people in this ballot group Affirmative votes 42 35 36 Total negative votes with comments Negative votes with new comments Negative votes without comments Abstention votes: 2 (Lack of time: 1, Other: 1) (Abstention Rate 4%) 1 (Other: 1) (Abstention Rate 2%) Votes received (% returned) 45 (84% returned) 37 (84% returned) 38 (84% returned) Affirmation requirement met? The 50% affirmation requirement is being met. Negative votes with comments APPROVAL RATE 42 100% affirmative 100% affirmative Result Passed