TEACH AT James m. bennett high school! Who We Are About Us James M. Bennett High School is a high school in Salisbury, Maryland, on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. Founded in 1962, James M. Bennett High School is one of four high schools in Wicomico County. Contact Us Phone: [410-603-4289] Email: [dlruark@wcboe.org] Web: [http://jmb.wcboe.org/] This is Mr. Jerry Stevens, a Computer Science teacher. What are some reasons you should teach at James M. Bennett? There are many reasons to teach at JMB High School! Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3 Reason 4 To change this brochure, replace our sample content with your own. Or, if you'd rather start from a clean slate, press the New Slide button on the Home tab to insert a new page. Now enter your text and pictures in the empty placeholders. If you need more placeholders for titles, subtitles or body text, copy any of the existing placeholders, then drag the new one into place. TEACH AT James m. bennett high school! Will you join us on the Clipper Ship? YOUR STUDENT NAME Teacher Academy of Maryland Mr. Ruark’s Class
At JMB, we are looking for teachers… For Earth Science, Geography, Computer Science, etc. Put what positions you are looking to fill here. “Teaching here is one of the greatest experiences of my life. I cannot imagine doing anything else other than teaching at JMB!” –Mr. Ruark, Earth Science Type a caption for your photo Don’t forget to include some specifics about your high school, such as how many students go here, what sports are offered, etc. Our Students and Staff What are some teacher openings? This would be a great place to put more reasons to teach at whatever high school you are at. OR Some great student quotes, teacher quotes, or pictures about why you should teach here. You could talk about how friendly the staff is, etc. Why teach at JMB? Perhaps you could put something about salaries, benefits, or other motivations here. Here are a couple of ideas… You could say some fun facts about JMB (or whatever school) here… You could put some motivations for teaching at JMB here… etc. No problem! JMB was named for… In 1982, the football team won a state championship… etc.