High Desert School for Ministry I want to tell you about The High Desert School for Ministry. The High Desert School for Ministry is our new local formation program for people on ordination track to become priest or deacons. Some background: In recent years, people in local formation for priesthood or the diaconate attended the Utah Ministry Formation Program in Salt Lake City, under the tutelage of the wonderful Mary June Nestler. Mary June retired this past Spring, and UMFP no longer exists. What to do? Fortunately, we didn’t have to look too hard. A member of the Iona Collaborative Eastern Oregon and Idaho
High Desert School for Ministry High Desert School for Ministry Commission on Ministry members the Rev. Ken Brannon and Helen Morgus investigated the Iona Collaborative and found a comprehensive program that is already developed and entirely do-able. With Eastern Oregon, we have formed a formal partnership. HDSM , as we like to call it, will provide quality education, both academic and practical, for ordained ministry in places like Eastern Oregon and Idaho--places that are geographically widespread, rural, and western.
Philosophy of Learning Iona Vision Statement: The vision of the Iona Collaborative is a vital church in which dioceses are equipped to form visionary leaders. Iona Mission Statement: The mission of the Iona Collaborative is to provide resources for high quality theological education at the local level. Fortunately, we don’t have to re-invent the wheel to provide this formation program. The Iona Collaborative, based at the Seminary of the Southwest, in Austin, Texas, has developed an amazing set of materials for this purpose. Currently, 24 dioceses in The Episcopal Church are part of a large collaborative using this curriculum, and more are becoming members every year, all over the country. The Vision is to form visionary leaders for the changing church. The Mission is to provide quality education for people in local formation.
HDSM: Academic and Practical Biblical Studies Church History Anglican Studies Homiletics Liturgy and Music Pastoral Ministry Spiritual Practices Theory and Practice of Ministry Congregational Life and Leadership Multicultural Engagement Field Education The High Desert School for Ministry will gather nine weekends per year at the Ascension Camp and Conference Center in Cove, Oregon. Each student will attend all three years of the program. In preparation for each weekend, students will watch videos and Powerpoint presentations given by professors at the Seminary of the Southwest , and complete readings, write papers and plan presentations for the class weekend. Our curriculum will explore these areas:
Core Values of HDSM EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE: academic and practical LOCAL ADAPTABILITY: flexible teaching and learning experiences COLLABORATION: sharing and learning from each other Visionary Leadership: imagining a different, vital, creative church COMMUNITY: fostering dynamic, connected relationships TRANSFORMATION: joyful formation that changes students and leaders for the Church The academic information presented is very important, and this philosophy of learning will enrich the formation of those involved in this program. We will be mindful of these core values: Educational Excellence that is both academic and practical Local Adaptability—meaning that our learning experience will be flexible We will be collaborative, sharing and learning from each other Creating visionary leaders allows us to imagine a different church Formation in a community of companions connects us and strengthens our personal formation And above all, a quality of our shared experience will be that transformation that happens –that deep change that defines and challenges the leader throughout his or her ordained life.
The HDSM Weekend reflection discussion projects papers tests On to what it looks like: Someone asked me where the High Desert School for Ministry building is. We don’t have one. What we have is a mobile program that for the near future will reside at Ascension Camp and Conference Center in Cove, Oregon. I spoke with my students a week ago and learned that they will travel between 30 minutes and six hours for our weekends. The weekend gathering of students will be dedicated to further exploration of these academic and practical areas through reflection, discussion and projects experienced as a community of learners and teachers. Additionally, students will write papers, take tests, and pop quizzes on the material. An important component of learning experiences will be opportunities to participate in the life of other Episcopal congregations, other churches or local agencies—experiences that are essential to enhancing the formation of our future clergy.
Worship at HDSM The weekend is surrounded and upheld by worship and prayer. Students lead daily offices and preach Students learn sacramental theology and practical application Students worship as a gathered community The community experience of HDSM will be enveloped and supported through worship throughout the weekend. Students will officiate at daily office, preach, and provide liturgical support in areas of altar guild, lector, and assisting around the altar during Eucharist. I told our students that if they haven’t already, they need to join the Altar Guild so they can learn not only the details of how to do things, but how to do so reverently and worshipfully.
High Desert School for Ministry High Desert School for Ministry A three-year local formation program for Deacons and Priests. A part of the Iona Collaborative. A partnership between the Dioceses of Eastern Oregon and Idaho. Based on curriculum from the Seminary of the Southwest. Our first weekend will be November 16-18. As we enter into this first year, we ask that you keep the High Desert School for Ministry, its Dean , that’s me, and students on your prayer list on Sunday mornings. This is an amazing time. We are grateful for our respective Commissions on Ministry and our Bishops Pat Bell and Brian Thom for their vision and courage. And we are grateful for the complementary gifts of the Diocese of Oregon--the amazing hospitality at Ascension Camp and Conference Center--and the educational experience from the Diocese of Idaho, that when combined make this vision a fine formation experience for our future leaders.