Awingu Boosts Profile via Social, Marketing Campaigns Awingu is a workspace aggregator that gives users secure access to corporate IT resources such as company applications and data. Leveraging the latest web technologies, Awingu provides a new way of delivering IT services: Users can work and collaborate using any device with an HTML5-capable browser. To learn more, visit "It's obvious that Microsoft has delivered a positive impact that enabled us to increase leads and provided access to enterprise customers." – Dirk Thomaere, Vice President and COO, Awingu Awingu’s centralized workspace offers a concrete solution to the growing trends of mobility and bring your own device (BYOD). Its web-based platform lets users easily access applications, files, and software. In an effort to get the word out to more potential customers about its solution, Awingu partnered with Microsoft and its Go-To-Market Services team. Awingu reached an audience of almost 400,000 and doubled the number of visitors to its Twitter profile with a post on @Azure, which was retweeted more than 50 times. Awingu successfully amplified exposure about Workspace Aggregator by highlighting its benefits in a mini-case study and datasheet (promoted on the Microsoft Partner Apps Blog), taking part in a digital marketing campaign, and publishing a press release. All of these efforts were facilitated by the Go-To-Market Services team. Microsoft Go-To-Market Services gives app builders exclusive resources to help boost app exposure, improve app performance, and build better cloud businesses. See how you can benefit at: Working With