The English Civil War: Charles I vs. Parliament


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Presentation transcript:

The English Civil War: Charles I vs. Parliament Why was Charles I overthrown as the King of England? vs

C. England & Scotland will share a king I. Union of the Crowns A. After 44 years of rule, Queen Elizabeth is the last of the Tudors (no heir) B. Cousins from Scotland (the Stuarts) are closest relatives – James Stuart already King of Scotland C. England & Scotland will share a king D. Sharing a king is known as Union of the Crowns Elizabeth I II. Power of the Purse A. Magna Carta states only Parliament can tax 1. Parliament controls $ = has “the power of the purse” 2. English Parliament feels they are equal w/ King B. However, James believes in “divine right” James I

III. Charles I defies Parliament A. 1625: Charles I takes the throne, needs money for wars 1. Parliament refuses to give Charles $ Charles dismisses Parliament (#1) B. Charles can’t raise tax $ he has to recall Parlmnt. C. 1628: Parliament forces him to sign the Petition of Right 1. The petition states King: 1) can’t tax w/o Parliament 2) can’t dismiss Parliament D. Charles signs the petition, gets his $, but has another fight with Parliament dismisses them again (#2)

Cromwell’s troops win, Charles is tried & beheaded in 1649 IV. English Civil War A. Charles wants to unify England & Scotland under one religion B. 1640: Scots invade England (Bishops’ War) 1. Charles needs $ to fight the Scots calls back Parl. 2. Parl. tries to pass a law limiting royal power 3. Charles tries to have Parl. members arrested, dismisses Parl.(#3) C. 1642: Angry mob forms Civil War begins! Loyal to Charles = Royalists troops are Cavaliers, led by Charles Loyal to Parliament = Parliamentarians troops are Roundheads, led by a Puritan member of Parl. named Oliver Cromwell Cromwell’s troops win, Charles is tried & beheaded in 1649 vs Charles I Cromwell