District heating in Finland 2017
Statistics 2017 Heat sales (incl. taxes) 2 540 M€ Sold heat energy 33,1 TWh Average price of DH (incl. taxes) 7,67 c/kWh Inhabitants in district heated apartments 2,84 million Market share of DH 46 % Length of the network 14 920 km Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
Market share of space heating in 2016 (Statistics Finland) Includes residental, commercial and public buildings Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
District heat consumption and connected heat load of the customers Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
Temperature corrected heat consumption Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
Number of customers and the length of the networks Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
Specific heat consumption in district heated buildings Includes heating of the domestic water Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
District heat supply 2017 Total 36,6 TWh Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
District heat supply and the share of cogeneration Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
Energy savings due to CHP Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
Savings in CO2 due to CHP Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
DH supply and fuels for DH and cogeneration Total heat supply 36,6 TWh District heat production with fuels 33,3 TWh Net production of electricity in CHP production 10,9 TWh Fuel energy consumed 52,1 TWh Heat recovery and heat produced by heat pumps 3,3 TWh Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
Energy sources of district heat District heat production by imported fossil fuels was 35 % (39 % in 2016) Carbon neutral: 46 % (42 %) Renewables + Heat recovery Domestic: 64 % (60 %) Carbon neutral + Peat + share* from ”Others” Heat supply 36,6 TWh Others: non-bio part from municipal and mixed waste, plastic and hazardous waste, electricity, steam, hydrogen * = From ”Others” all waste, steam hydrogen and 76 % of elecricity are considered domestic Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
Energy sources in separate production District heat production by imported fossil fuels in separate production was 18 % Carbon neutral: 68 % Renewables + Heat recovery Domestic: 80 % Carbon neutral + Peat + share* from ”Others” Heat supply 11,6 TWh Others: non-bio part from municipal and mixed waste, plastic and hazardous waste, electricity, steam, hydrogen * = From ”Others” all waste, steam hydrogen and 76 % of elecricity are considered domestic Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
Fuels for district heat and cogeneration Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
Fuels for district heat and cogeneration by region in 2017 Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
Fuels for DH and cogeneration by region in 2005 and in 2017 Year 2005 Year 2017 Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
Renewable energy sources in the production of DH and cogeneration Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
Renewable energy sources in the production of DH and cogeneration Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
CO2 emissions from DH production Specific emissions in district heat production in 2017: 148,1 g/kWh Decreased by 4,1 % from the previous year Decreased by 27 % during this decade The main reasons for reduced emissions: reduced oil consumption reduced natural gas consumption increased biomass consumption increased utilization of waste heat Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
Price of district heat Average, minumum and maximum values, incl. VAT Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
Heat sales price distribution of the companies in 2017 (incl. VAT) Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
Price of district heat in certain buildings Fixed price + energy fee (incl. VAT) Buildings used in the calculations are new constructions from the 21th century Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
Real price of district heat Corrected with cost-of-living index, 1. 1 Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
District heat consumption in 2017 Total 33,1 TWh Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
Distribution of customers according to contracted heat load Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
Number of district heated buildings Number of customers: 151 500 120 300 customers in residental buildings 1,44 million apartments 2,84 million inhabitants Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
Production capacity and connected heat load of the customers Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
DH production plants 768 stationary heating plants 90 steam power plants 18 other cogeneration plants 14 separate heat pumps and waste heat recovery units In total 890 production units Additionally, 342 transportable heating plants Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
DH production plants – domestic fuels 69 cogeneration plants 307 stationary heating plants In total 376 pcs Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
DH production plants – renewable fuels 32 cogeneration plants 230 stationary heating plants In total 262 pcs Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018
Fuels used in DH production and CHP production by region Joonatan Huhdanmäki 3.9.2018