2017-18 S2 into S3 Curriculum straw poll
What is a straw poll? Today I am going to ask you to help us decide how the S3 school timetable could look like for all S3 pupils in session 2018-19 (next academic year) To write the best timetable for all of you, I am going to ask you to tell us what subjects you may take in S3… THIS WILL NOT BE YOUR FINAL CHOICE By telling us what you may take, the school can produce a draft S3 timetable that supports as many pupils getting the classes they would like
Tell your parents what we are doing (I will be tweeting and texting your parents) I want you to go back to your families tonight and explain that Mr Santini asked us what subjects I may wish to take in S3 to help him and Mrs Greene (The school timetabler) write the best timetable. When will you make you actual choice? In February 2017 and you will have a 10 week PSE programme lead by Ms Kelly, Mr McCormick, and Ms Kelly to help you make the best choices for your future. I am now giving you a piece of paper which asks you to write: Your name and 2 choices for Social Subjects, Science, Expressive Arts, and Technologies columns
Your slip of paper looks like this My name: __________________________ I understand I will continue to take English, Maths, & Modern Languages in S3. I can choose 2 subjects in Social Subjects: They are – I can choose 2 subjects in Science: They are – I can choose 2 subjects in Expressive Arts: They are - I can choose 2 subjects in Technologies: They are – I understand I will continue to take PE, RE, and PSE in S3.
The 4 columns I will choose from are coloured in Green and purple S3 Curriculum Languages Mathematics Social Subjects Choice from 2 (2 periods each) Science Expressive Arts Technologies Health and Wellbeing Religious Education 33 Periods 8 4 3 2 English (4) Maths (4) Geography Biology Art & Design Computing Science Physical Education (2) Religious Education (2) Modern Languages (4) History Chemistry Music Graphic Communication Personal & Social education (1) Modern Studies Physics Drama Design & Manufacture Business Education Environmental Science Dance Hospitality Physical Education Geography