Wheelock 9 Assignment
1. Hīc tōtus liber litteras Rōmanās semper laudat. 2. Hī igitur illīs deābus herī grātiās agēbant. 3. Illud dē vitiīs istīus rēgīnae nunc scrībam, et ista poenās dabit. 4. Neuter alterỉ plēnam cōpiam pecūniae tum dabit.
5. Potestne laus ūlīus terrae esse perpetua? 6. Labor ūnīus numquam poterit hās cōpiās vincere. 7. Mōrēs istīus scrīptōris erant nimis malī. 8. Nūllī magistrī, tamen, sub istō vēra docēre audebant. 9. Valēbitne pāx in patriā nostrā post hanc victōriam. 10. Dum illī ibi remanent, aliī nihil agunt, aliī discunt. mor.es N 3 1 NOM P M mor.es N 3 1 ACC P M mos, moris N M [XXXAX] custom, habit; mood, manner, fashion; character (pl.), behavior, morals;
11. Cicero de gloria alterius uxorisque scribebat. 12. Tota civitas fratri huius viri soli gratias agebat. 13. Propter istos animos illi nullas copias in haec loca cras ducent. 14. Uterne liber vitia horum temporum vincere poterit? oc.a N 2 2 NOM P N loc.a N 2 2 ACC P N locum, loci N N [XXXCO] place, territory/locality/neighborhood/region; position/point; aim point; site; seat, rank, position; soldier's post; quarters; category; book passage, topic; region, places (pl.); places connected with each other; l
I. Ubi illās nunc vidēre possum? 2. Hic illam virginem in mātrimōnium ducet. 3. Huic cōnsīlio palmam dō. 4. Virtūtem enim illīus virī amāmus. (Cicero.) 5. Sōlus hunc iuvāre potes. (Terence.
8. Est nūllus locus utrī hominl in hāc terrā. (Martial.) ) 6. Poena istīus ūnīus hunc morbum cīvitātīs relevābit sed perīculum semper remanēbit. 7. Hī enim dē exitiō huius cīvitātis et tōtīus orbis terrārum cōgitant. 8. Est nūllus locus utrī hominl in hāc terrā. (Martial.) 9. Non solum event us hoc docet-iste est magister stultorum!-sed etiam ratio. (Livy.-eventus, outcome.) loc.us N 2 1 NOM S M locus, loci N M [XXXAO] place, territory/locality/neighborhood/region; position/point; aim point; site; seat, rank, position; soldier's post; quarters; category; book passage, topic; part of the body; female genitals (pl.); grounds of proof;
Chapter 9 WHEN I HAVE... ENOUGH! Africanus has ‘millions’, nevertheless he hunts legacies. Fortune give too much to many men, enough to none If you wish to study philosophy and the mind, this study cannot be strong without frugality. This frugality is a voluntary poverty. So remove those excuses of yours: “I do not yet have enough money. If ever I shall have that ‘enough’, then I shall give all myself to philosophy.” Begin to study philosophy now, not money.