The Internet
Do it now You will find your do it now task in your workbook – look for the start button! Wednesday, 16 January 2019
Green pen activity Complete the green pen activity in your booklet based on your teachers feedback. Wednesday, 16 January 2019
Learning Objective “Find out how the internet works.” You will find differentiated outcomes for this lesson on the front of your workbook. Wednesday, 16 January 2019
Find out how the internet works. New learning World Wide Web Domain name Resource ID Domain Server name Sub-domain Protocol First part: protocol (http://) The protocol identifies the method (set of rules) by which the resource is transmitted. All Web pages use HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Thus, all web URL's begin with http://. Second part: server name ( The server name identifies the computer on which the resource is found. (Computers that store and "serve up" Web pages are called remote servers.) This part of the URL commonly identifies which company, agency or organization may be either directly responsible for the information, or is simply providing the computer space where the information is stored. Web server names often begin with the letters www, but not always. The server name always ends with a dot and a three-letter or two-letter extension called thedomain name. The domain is important because it usually identifies the type of organization that created or sponsored the resource. Sometimes it indicates the country where the server is located. The most common domain names are: * .com which identifies company or commercial sites * .org for non-profit organization sites * .edu for educational sites (most commonly four-year universities) * .gov for government sites * .net for Internet service providers or other types of networks If the domain name is two letters, it identifies a country, e.g. .us for the United States, .uk for the United Kingdom, .au for Australia, .mx for Mexico or .ca for Canada. The server name for our library's Web site is: The server name may also be the name of a Web site. (A Web site is a complete group of Web pages that are organized as a comprehensive set.) Web sites can be either all of the pages on one server (computer) or all of the pages under a specific subdirectory on a server. For CSM Library, the server name ( identifies the San Mateo County Community College District. The CSM Library Web site consists of all of the pages under the subdirectory: /accounts/csmlibrary. Third part: resource ID (/accounts/csmlibrary/index.htm) The resource ID is the name of the file for the page and any directories or subdirectories under which it is stored on the specified computer. The resource ID for our library's homepage is:/accounts/csmlibrary/index.htm. (A "homepage" is the opening or main page for any web site that provides links to all of the other pages on the site.) The part of the resource ID after the last slash (/) is the file name for the specific page or other resource. The file name ends with a three or four letter designation that specifies the file type (e.g., .htm or .html for a standard Web page, .jpg or .gif for common graphic files.) Find out how the internet works.
Find out how the internet works. Independent Task Complete the diagram of a URL and write down the URL of your favourite website Find out how the internet works.
Learning development IP addresses … are like telephone numbers for computers Whenever you go online your computer is given a special number to identify it. This number is called an Internet Protocol address (IP address). Without this special number the computer can not receive any information from websites or other computers. Sometimes when people behave badly online a website and/or the police may use and IP address to identify the computer that has sent the information. Wednesday, 16 January 2019
Learning development The visual tracert tool displays the path Internet packets traverse to reach a specified destination. The tool works by identifying the IP addresses of each hop along the way to the destination network address. To get more specific info about an IP address you can use this IP tracer tool from The estimated geophysical location of each hop is identified using MaxMind's GeoIP database. After all of the hops locations' are identified, the path to the destination is plotted on a Google Map. Wednesday, 16 January 2019
Learning development Internet services – application or service which requires an internet connection in order to work The internet - An international network of networks. Internet Service Provider (ISP) – the company that provides access to the internet for an individual or company Wednesday, 16 January 2019
Find out how the internet works. Talk Task How does a computer access a website on the other side of the world? What is an IP address? Why might someone want to hide their IP address? What is the difference between an internet service and the internet? Find out how the internet works.
Exit ticket What is an IP address used for? R A G Find out how the internet works.