Taking Note of CCSD Resources Presented by Area 2 Lead Teachers
Ask teachers which child they can relate to at this time of the year Ask teachers which child they can relate to at this time of the year. Take a minute to think and then share with a partner. Numbered heads strategy!
Where do I fit in with this plan? Cobb’s plan for success!
Planning with the end in mind Picasso GPS Planning with the end in mind Alignment! Cobb’s focus for 2006-2007 is the one in bold. Will be a part of their PAI. Testing We are all lifetime learners Best practices/ modeling The process and the end product How will effectiveness and mastery be measured?
Georgia Performance Standards STATE Georgia Performance Standards COUNTY PICASSO CLASSROOM PBI
Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) The "What" A standard is the overarching concept. The elements are the specific skills students are to master.
Performance Standards Are: What students are to learn, know, and understand An expression of clear expectations for performance A curriculum document Few in number Application of content Are Not: New Quality Core Curriculum (QCC) How teachers are to teach Comprehensive school reform An instructional handbook A checklist of objectives Coverage of content Cobb County has added elements that they want taught. Therefore, may be slightly different than the GPS. QCC’s are still used in Social Studies in elementary a.nd some subject areas in middle and high
GPS non-negotiable www.georgiastandards.org Did you know…only 45% of curriculum in a text book matches the GPS?
Example M2N2 Addition and Subtraction Students will build fluency with addition and subtraction. Standard Element: M2N2a Correctly adds and subtracts two whole numbers up to three digits each with regrouping. (Math, 2nd grade, Numbers and Operations, 2nd Standard, element a) Give teachers a copy of a page with some standards and elements.
PICASSO Standards Pacing Guides Assessments Resources In order to find the standards for my grade level or subject area you need to access PICASSO. Go through the steps of accessing PICASSO and showing them how to pull up their standards. While viewing the standards on PICASSO read a standard out loud and talk about how to teach the actual “standard” and not make up topics. Show them how to break the standard down into Nouns/ Verbs. Remember that the nouns are the things the students should know and the verbs are the things we want the students to be able to do. Pacing Guides: While in PICASSO show the 9 week outline. These pacing guides map out what the teachers are to teach and when. It is important that we following the pacing guide especially in area 2 where there are so many kids that move from school to school. It is also important because as teachers we want to be sure that we teach everything we can in order to be ready for Spring Testing. We don’t have time to add our own units or topics just because we like the topic. Assessments: Assessments may vary from school to school but there are guidelines and assessments available on PICASSO. The IMI’s are on Picasso for you to use and print as needed (show them where). In the Elementary Handbook there are guides to translating the DRA to a Report Card Grade ( Below, On, Above). http://picasso.cobbk12.org
Performance Based Instruction (PBI) “Beginning with the end in mind” Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) Utilize Classroom Data Plan Performance Tasks Design Engaging Lessons Performance Based Instruction: The new Georgia Performance Standards ask that we as teachers teach from a Performance Base Model. What this means is that we must think about the following steps when planning for instruction: Identify Desired Results: What knowledge do I want the students to know when I am done teaching the unit or concept. What do we want the students to be able to do? 2. Determine the Acceptable Evidence: We need to determine how the students are going to show us that they learned the concepts. What is going to be acceptable? This is where the Performance should take place. Students should not just repeat back to us what we told them (not acceptable evidence). They should be able to demonstrate that they learned the concepts by performing a task – completing the verb part of the standard. 3. Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction: Once we have thought about the results , and evidence now we can begin to plan the individual lessons that we are going to teach that will help the students learn the standard. Performance Based Instruction is planning with the end in mind.
Role of the Area Lead Teachers Liaison between schools and county personnel Assist teachers with curriculum and instructional practices Provide classroom visits, constructive feedback, and modeling instruction Present training for CCSD recommended programs Cultivate positive and effective team collaboration Analyze Data Resource for integrating technology
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