6-1 Haylee Jeremey and sara By Haylee Anderson, Sara Ferland, Jeremey Waite
Interesting Facts The eruption of a volcano is among the most dangerous and awe-inspiring events on Earth. Some volcanoes result from the hot spot in Earth’s mantle. Lava begins as magma in the mantle. During a volcanic eruption the gases dissolve in magma rush out, carrying the magma with them The amount of silica in magma also helps to determine how easily the magma flows. An extinct, or dead volcano is unlikely to erupt again. Although quiet eruptions and explosive eruptions involve different volcano hazards, both types of eruptions can cause damage far from the crater’s rim. Like Earth, Venus has volcanic mountains and other features that are probably made of thin, runny lava. On Mars there are large shield volcanoes similar those on Venus and Earth, as well as cone-shaped volcanoes and lava flows. Besides Earth, there are only two other bodies in the solar system where volcanic eruptions have been observed: Io, a moon of the planet Jupiter and Trinton moon of the planet Neptune.
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