Heat Cycle of The Female Dog Estrus
What is Estrus? The stage in which the female is receptive to the male and conception can occur. Duration varies Lasts approximately 3 – 9 days
Clinical Signs of Estrus Less edema Discharge becomes clearer Discharge is more yellowish then bloody
Clinical Signs of Estrus Vulva remains turgid, very warm when touched, and voluminous Female will stand “Flag” for the male
What is Flagging? Female will stand for the male Rear in the air Tail off to the side
The Cytology of Estrus Difficult to determine. Distinguishing features only at beginning and end of the estrus cycle. Influenced mainly by estrogens.
Cytology During Estrus Grandular Secretions increase
Cytology During Estrus Vaginal epithelium becomes hyperemic
Cytology During Estrus Ovulation occurs
Cytology During Estrus Increase in LH Hormone. 90% Superficial cells Bacteria usually present Absence of Neutrophils
The End Ashley Kristy Sonia Kaitlyn Daisy M&M