P-12 Settings Please jump in at any time and comment, question Innovation Time – Privileging the Time Professional Practice Release Structures of P-12’s (YCP-12 example) Discussion Time
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Consultative Friday Monday Team/KLA Planning P-12 Tuesday Campus / College PLfor ALL teachers Wednesday Thursday Consultative Friday 16/7 – 20/7 WK 1 First Day – Term 3 Campus PLC’s School Improvement Team PLC AIP Review Leadership PLC 23/7 – 27/7 WK 2 5/6 Team PLC Maths KLA, PPL, 12 English 30/7 – 3/8 WK 3 Innovation Time – Investigate New/Improved Practice 6/8 – 10/8 WK 4 13/8 – 17/8 WK 5 10 & 11 English Science Buildings & Grounds Student Voice 20/8 – 24/8 WK 6 7/8 English/SOSE KLAs – Science, Art/Tech, Health PE Respectful Relationships 27/8 – 31/8 WK 7 7/8 Maths/Science 9 English KLAs Art/Tech, Health PE 3/9 – 7/9 WK 8 2019 Focus 10/9 – 14/9 Wk 9 Parent – Teacher Interviews 17/9 – 21/9 WK 10
Reason for idea/concept creation? Week 2 – Term 2 Reason for idea/concept creation? Week 3 – Term 2 What is your plan for the next 5-6 weeks? Week 4 – Term 2 Experimentation – What did you do Week 5 – Term 2 Experimentation – What did you do Week 6 – Term 2 Experimentation – What did you do Week 7 – Term 2 Experimentation – What did you do Week 8 – Term 2 Experimentation – What did you do Week 10 – Term 2 Reflection on how the new idea/concept has progressed. Are you seeing the intended improvement, is there a way you are able to measure this. Reflective Comments……
Innovations – Term 1
Innovations – Term 2
Professional Practice Days
Context & location Yarrawonga College P-12 is located in a mid sized Rural town of approximately 8000 people. On the other side of the Murray River and Lake Mulwala is the NSW rural township of Mulwala. Yarrawonga College has 875 students enrolled. The college has 3 distinct stages of learning P-4, 5-8 and 9-12. Each stage of learning has an Assistant Principal responsible for the area. A Casual Relief Teacher (CRT) is paid $353.03 per day in Victoria compared to a CRT’s daily payment of $419.52 in NSW. The township of Yarrawonga is a minimum of 60 kilometres from a decent (28000 people) regional centre of Wangaratta, Benalla and Shepparton are the other centres between 45 minutes and an hour away.
commitment With the school improvement goal of student learning and providing 12 months growth for every student in mind, we are committed to ongoing professional learning and developing our workforce capacity.
The overwhelming staff response to Professional Practice days has been very positive appreciation
There have also been some challenges and barriers that have required a lot of problem solving to be able to provide the release time. concerns
solutions We employed a full time teacher to work flexibly across the college covering classes to release teachers. To enable staff to work together in teams A.P’s and L.T’s without teaching loads cover some classes to allow teams to collaborate. Rarely extras are called upon to provide some release time for staff to enable collaboration. Days are selected by staff on a live google document, I sit down weekly with Daily Org staff to work through a plan for coverage. If we cannot replace staff together we go back to the drawing board.
Use of professional practice days We were clear from the beginning that days had to relate to the areas stated in the Victorian Government Schools Agreement and align with priorities within the Annual Implementation Plan. Use of professional practice days
We are committed to working on the right work that makes a difference or has a positive impact on students in our college. Impact on students
Where to from here Identify areas of need across the college through the School Improvement Team for teachers to work on. Innovation Time for staff to spend working on an area that they would like to improve. Providing financial incentive for staff to put towards their identified area of improvement at each area of learning. Review and refine the way we roll out the Professional Practice including timetabling, focus and the provided space to work in.
Staff commentary I get to collaborate with other teachers and learn from them. An entire day to plan with the team without interruption was excellent. I have access to everything I need during the day. Sometimes I get interrupted during the day. Appreciated the time to gain more skills and knowledge in the area of science. Creates more work for me because there aren’t any suitable CRT’s available for Woodwork. Frustrating because some lessons aren’t taught the way they are supposed to be taught by the CRT. I think it is great to have a dedicated day where you can prepare, it has helped to reduce my stress level. We find it difficult to get competent CRT’s. Very worthwhile for coming together as a team, promotes working together, shared learning intentions/assessment, etc. Would like them off campus so that we don’t get interrupted. I have seen this cause disruption in classes due to taking their normal teacher out.
Innovation at ycp-12 Teachers at Yarrawonga College P-12 are provided 3 weeks in Terms 2 & 3 to innovate with the goal of improving teaching and learning practice. Week 2&3 of each of the terms are to plan and prepare and Week 9 is to evaluate the success of their innovation. Some of the innovations from Term 2 include;
Structure and Staffing Principal Campus Principal P-4 Campus Principal 5-8 Campus Principal 9-12 LS – Learning & Teaching LS Learning & Teaching LS Learning & Teaching LT – Eng. & Wellbeing LT – Eng. & Wellbeing LT – Eng. & Wellbeing Team Leaders Team Leaders 5/6 LT – Pathways Lit & Num Leaders Lit & Num Leaders LS – ICT – P-12 Welfare Officer YLC’s 7&8 4 Sessions YLC’s 4 Sessions KLA Leaders 2 Sessions KLA Leaders 2 sessions Counsellor/Psych. Doctor in School Headspace Headspace 2 x Eng. ES Staff
Discussion What is unique to your context? What are you most proud of at your school? Do you question your current structures? What worries you about your P-12? How could we work together to provide support/confidence? Is student voice strong in your school, what would you improve? What would you like to learn more about? Questions???