Chapter 6 Less 2 Earth in Space How does Earth move? What causes the seasons?
KNOW THE DIFFERENCE Rotation Revolution
Rotation, One Full Day Spin, like a top East to West Causes night and day
Rotation, One Full Day Earth's Rotation In which direction does the Earth rotate?
Revolution, One Full Year Orbit Elliptical Gravity keeps the Earth in Orbit
What Causes the Seasons? The tilt of earth’s axis causes the hemispheres to receive different amounts of the sun’s energy. 23.5 degree angle The more concentrated the sunlight = warmer season
Solstices June 21st – Winter Solstice December 21st – Summer Solstice Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere June 21st – Summer Solstice Longest day of the year December 21st – Winter Solstice Shortest day of the year June 21st – Winter Solstice Shortest day of the year December 21st – Summer Solstice Longest day of the year
Solstices and Equinoxes The diagrams show the apparent path of the sun at the solstices and equinoxes in the Northern Hemisphere. What is the sun’s path at the equinoxes and the December solstice for the Southern Hemisphere?