Welcome to... Holiday Squares A Game of X’s and O’s
Modified from a game Developed by Mark E. Damon Presentation © 2000 - All rights Reserved markedamon@hotmail.com
Haunted Ghost Cupid Spring Chicken Lucky Leprechaun Santa Tom Turkey 1 2 3 Haunted Ghost Cupid Spring Chicken Lucky Leprechaun Santa Tom Turkey Gary Groundhog Starring: Easter Bunny Chris Columbus 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 X 4 5 6 O 7 8 9 Scoreboard Click Here if X Wins Click Here if O Wins
1 What is the term used to describe the point where the sky and land meet?
1 The horizon Home
What are circumpolar stars? 2 What are circumpolar stars?
Star that can be seen all night long and every day of the year 2 Star that can be seen all night long and every day of the year Home
Stars that you see depend on what? 3 Stars that you see depend on what?
Your latitude, time of the year and time of night 3 Your latitude, time of the year and time of night Home
A month on Earth is based on what? 4 A month on Earth is based on what?
The time it takes the moon to orbit Earth once 4 The time it takes the moon to orbit Earth once Home
The length of a day is based on what? 5 The length of a day is based on what?
The time it takes Earth to rotate on it’s axis once. 5 The time it takes Earth to rotate on it’s axis once. Home
6 What is the term used to describe the angle between the horizon and an object?
6 Altitude Home
Ursa Major and Microscopium are examples of what? 7 Ursa Major and Microscopium are examples of what?
7 Constellations Home
The longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere occurs when? 8 The longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere occurs when?
8 June 21st Home
What is the term used to describe days of equal day and night? 9 What is the term used to describe days of equal day and night?
9 Equinox Home