Calendar Reporting OAEP Spring Conference 2018 Christine Antonelli – Student Software Support Liaison - OME-RESA
What is the purpose of the calendar collection? To report accurate, detailed information for each student’s enrollment To report detailed information for a district’s calendar days in session To be used on the FTE detail/adjustment reports for funding calculations
Two Calendar Collections Initial Final
Initial Calendar collection
Initial Calendar Collection Initial window for report period C opens beginning of August The Initial Calendar collection is required for all EMIS reporting entities educating students in 2018. Source files used are DL and DN record types Initial window must include: A calendar for each building which applies to all students within the building EMIS exceptions for any planned days off Initial window closes by the end of September Main purpose of this window is to have all districts report their initial school calendars with days in session
Final Calendar Collection
Final Calendar Collection Final calendar collection opens after the Initial calendar collection closes Source files used are DL and DN record types Any time there is a change to a districts calendar the collection must be collected, prepared, and resubmitted Reasons to resubmit data: Calamity days, water issues, heating issues Make-up days Change in the end of the school year
Who reports calendar data? City, Local, and Exempted Village school districts Community schools and STEM districts JVSDs, ESCs, Ohio School for the Deaf, Ohio School for the Blind, and Ohio Department of Youth Services
Review Calendar Display Report
Things to look for on the Calendar Display Report Verify that all exceptions have been entered Calamity days Shortened days Unplanned days Lengthened school days Parent-Teacher Conference hours and Professional Development Hours Verify the total hours meet the minimum requirement Add Parent-Teacher Conference hours/Professional Development Hours to the YTD Days/Hours
Minimum Hours Required From ODE’s website: School districts, Joint Vocational school districts, and chartered nonpublic school will be required to be open for instruction for a minimum of: 455 hours for students in half-day KG 910 hours for students in full-day KG through grade 6 1001 hours for students in grades 7-12 Community schools must provide a minimum of 920 hours of learning opportunities per year.
Calendar Display Report
Calendar Display Report – cont’d
Attribute Names used to update Calendar Display report Staff attributes C_PRFLMEET – staff professional meeting, full or partial day C_PTCONFRC – parent-teacher conference, full or partial day Student attributes C_DCMTYTKN – full day taken for calamity situations on specified date C_DPLANNED – full planned day when group Is not in session – holidays, breaks, professional days, parent-teacher conference days C_DNOTPLAN – full unplanned day off when group was expected to be in session C_DBLZZARD - full unplanned “blizzard bag” day for which the district is in compliance with ORC 3313.88
Attribute Names – cont’d C_YWKENDSA & C_YWKENDSU – for students who are in attendance on every Saturday and Sunday between the first and last day of school C_YWKDAYMN, C_YWKDAYTU, C_YWKDAYWD, C_YWKDAYTH, C_YWKDAYFR – for students who are NOT expected to be in attendance on every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday between the first and last day of school C_HSHRTWEA – hours in session when day was interrupted by weather C_HSHRTPLAN – hours in session when day was shortened for planned reason other than weather C_HSHRTNOP – hours in session when day was shortened for an unplanned reason other than weather C_HRHLNGTH – may be for calamity makeup added to a scheduled day or other reasons
How often should the Final Calendar collection be submitted? Any time a change is made to a school day Snow days, two hour delays, early dismissals Any day off due to a non-weather related day Change in the scheduled hours in the day Change in a planned day off to now being a day in session Change in the last day of the school year
How does the calendar help to determine a student’s FTE? Each row of data on the FTE Detail report is assigned to a calendar Calendar for each row is based on data for that row Since student’s can have multiple rows, each row can be assigned to a different calendar
How does the FTE Detail report assign calendars? District IRN, Building IRN, Grade Level, Attendance Pattern Once a calendar match is found for a given FS/FD combination, that row of data is excluded from any further steps in the process If no match is found, then the state default calendar is assigned The state calendar will appear as 999999-999999-**- **
Base FTE Calculation Base FTE = Numerator divided by Denominator Numerator = Total Enrolled hours X Total % of time The numerator is looking at the first day of school and the last day of school and the hours the student was enrolled in the calendar collection. If the calendar data is not correct then a students total enrolled hours will not be correct. Denominator = Total Instructional Hours The denominator is the total instructional hours in the assigned calendar. The total hours are calculated by adding together the total hours for each day of the year, starting with the first day of school reported and ending with the last day of school reported. If the calendar data is not correct then the denominator used for the total instructional hours will not be correct.