Let’s form Accusatives!


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Presentation transcript:

Let’s form Accusatives! It’s easy! Decide Drop Add

Step 1: Decide AE = 1st Declension I = 2nd Declension Go to the Genitive Case (the 2nd word in your vocab list). Decide what declension it is… AE = 1st Declension I = 2nd Declension IS = 3rd Declension

via, viae viam culina, culinae culinam hortus, horti hortum Subject forms Direct Object forms via, viae viam culina, culinae culinam hortus, horti hortum amicus, amici amicum filius, filii filium pater, patris patrem mater, matris matrem canis, canis canem atrium, atrii atrium

Step 2: Drop What remains of our noun is called the stem 1st Declension  Drop the AE 2nd Declension  Drop the I 3rd Declension  Drop the IS What remains of our noun is called the stem

Step 3: Add Add AM to the 1st Declension Add UM to the 2nd Declension Add EM to the 3rd Declension

Let’s Practice …

canem mercatorem mensam hortum amicum togam patrem atrium Let’s Practice … canem mercatorem mensam hortum amicum togam patrem atrium