Self-Discovery Master Student Map Chapter One Self-Discovery Master Student Map
Why this chapter matters … Visible measures of success—such as top grades and résumés filled with accomplishments—start with the willingness to discover who you are and what you want.
What is included … First Step: Truth is a key to mastery If you skipped the Introduction The Discovery Wheel Learning by seeing, hearing, and moving: The VAK system Learning styles: Discovering how you learn Using your learning style profile to succeed in school Adapting to styles in the workplace Claim your multiple intelligences Developing self esteem Discovering Mastery Motivation Ways to change a habit Power Process: Ideas are tools Master Student Profile: Mike Lazaridis
How you can use this chapter … Experience the power of telling the truth about your current skills. Discover your preferred learning styles and develop new ones. Define what you want from your education and your career.
As you read, ask yourself: What if … … I could discover my interests, skills, and passions—and build a successful education and career on them?