“Doing Things by the Book” I Peter 2:1-3


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Presentation transcript:

“Doing Things by the Book” I Peter 2:1-3 Part#2 “Doing Things by the Book” I Peter 2:1-3

I. The Problem A. Moral Relativism Romans 1:22&25 Part#2 A. Moral Relativism Romans 1:22&25 B. No Absolute Truth Judges 17:6

II. The Reality A. Foundational Truth Romans 16:27 Part#2 A. Foundational Truth Romans 16:27 B. God’s Word is Truth John 17:17

III. The Remedy I Peter 2:1-3, Romans 12:1&2 Part#2 A. Rejecting the World’s Way vs.1, Psalm 118:105, Psalm 1:1 B. Embracing God’s Word vs.2, Psalm 1:2, Proverbs 2:1-6 C. Produces Fruitful Living vs.3, Psalm 1:3, Proverbs 2:9-12