Learning Hub 2014-2015 Challenge
Learning Hub dates Autumn Term Spring term Summer Term 11/9/14 6/11/14 15/1/15 26/2/15 Summer Term 23/4/15 4/6/14
Update on challenge/ GM Met with CTLs to discuss 5 weekly themes Meeting with tutors on Monday First week of themes this week – motivation / inspirations Discussed involving parents and wider community – letters to parents / speak with JCO
Update on challenge/ GM Week 1 theme – inspirations / motivation Examples in departments? Update needed for the blog
Hub objectives / development plan Create a set of IOWs to roll out Spring half term 1. Design learning journal for students. Week 1 – Motivation/Inspirations, Week 2 – Aspirations, Week 3 – Resilience, Week 4 – Self esteem, Week 5 – Mind-set Determine key traits of growth mind-set and identify opportunities to encourage these in different subjects areas. Encourage the use of GM language across the school – posters to be displayed in all classrooms (discussed the possibility of a GM display in all classrooms) Look at possible opportunities for GM displays in subjects areas and in corridors around the school Investigate the possibility of a challenge day dedicated to GM (to go ahead in the summer term) Share with students growth mind-set scores (Create an info PPT about GM for tutors to use and share score with students)
Todays Hub Focus on challenge Compare levels of challenge in department rubrics Research ways of raising challenge in lesson
Half-term focus Meet with all staff about the introduction of growth mindset Share the themes of the week with students in tutor time and lesson activities Research how challenge can be measured in lessons Research how levels of challenge can be raised in lessons