Key Questions for nAMD Treatment Success
Program Overview
Question: VA at Presentation
Improved Visual Outcomes in RCTs
VA Gains Greater in Patients With nAMD Who Have Lower Baseline VA
Vision is Better Preserved After 1 Year in Patients With Higher Baseline VA
Question: The Role of PCV Subtype
Effect of PCV Status on VA Gain in Treatment-Naive Patients With nAMD
Other Data on the Effect of PCV and PED Subtype on VA
Question: The Importance of the Loading Dose
Better Gains in VA at 12 Months With Loading Dose of Ranibizumab
Patients Who Received a Loading Dose Had a Greater Improvement in VA
Question: Intensive Therapy
The Effect of Intensive Anti-VEGF Therapy
Question: PRN or T&E
VA Gains at 12 Months With Different Treatment Regimens
Similar Gains in VA and Fewer Injections With T&E vs Monthly Dosing
T&E Has Greater Benefits Than PRN
Question: Injection Frequency
Pivotal Trials: Significant VA Gains With Monthly Anti-VEGF Therapy
Monthly Anti-VEGF Therapy vs PRN and T&E
PRN: Greater VA Gains With a Higher Injection Frequency
Barriers to Adequate Treatment
Question: Choice of Anti-VEGF Treatment
Ranibizumab vs Aflibercept
Question: Safety of Anti-VEGF Treatment
Safety of Ranibizumab
Abbreviations (cont)