The Big One is Coming-Planning for a California Earthquake How to Create a PSA The Big One is Coming-Planning for a California Earthquake
What do you want the world to know? FOCUS: WE want the world to know how to be prepared for “The Big One”-the large Earthquake that has been predicted for many years in California Information can be obtained from the previous lessons from this Interdisciplinary Project
Information Make sure your group uses the most current and up-to-date information as possible. WE want people to be prepared for the worst, so give them the BEST! Check any government entities that prepares states for emergencies Make sure your sources are reliable
Who is your Audience? Who are you making this PSA for? Discuss this with your group. This will be important because it narrows your focus. Include your audience demographic in your PSA by using photos or video.
Grab Your Readers Attention How will “hook” your audience? How will they remember what you have shared? Jingle or catchy slogan Use emotional appeals Visual Effects Humor or Surprise Acronyms-give people something to remember. Do you recall PEMDAS and ROY G. BIV?
Time Your group will have between 30—60 seconds to make a PSA.
Brainstorm Create a storyboard with pictures and dialogue for each scene of your PSA. This will eliminate going over the time and limit the amount editing that will need to be done at the end.
Ready, Set, Action! Begin filming. Bring props, costumes, etc. Each group member should have a role in this production. Work to your strengths. Good Luck!